Cube of 9x divided by (- 3x squared)

Cube of 9x divided by (- 3x squared)

Original formula = 9 / (- 3) * x ^ (3-2)

Two thirds x-one quarter less than or equal to three thirds x


If the cube of four parts of x equals negative 216, then x =?

6 times the root 4

Y = e ^ | LNX | - | X-1 | how to draw an image should be concise

Classification discussion: when x ≥ 1, y = e ^ LNX - (x-1) = 1;
When 0

The gravity of a hydrogen balloon is 8N, the gravity of the air is 9N, and the buoyancy of the hydrogen balloon is 9N_____ N
As the title!

According to Archimedes' law, f = g row
Excuse me, is the buoyancy of the balloon related to the gravity it receives
An object of the same size, if its gravity is less than 9N (such as a hydrogen balloon), it floats. If its gravity is greater than 9N (such as a stone), it lies on the ground

If a prism has 10 vertices and the sum of the lengths of all sides is 30 cm, what is the length of each side

Ten vertices. The prism is symmetrical, so it's a 5 prism. 30 divided by 5 equals 6

Point P moves on the curve y = x ^ 3-x. suppose the inclination angle of the tangent at point P is α, then calculate the range of α

Due to
Therefore, the range of tangent slope k of each point on the curve is [- 1, + ∞)
When k ∈ [0, + ∞), α ∈ [0, π / 2)
When k ∈ [- 1,0), α ∈ [3 π / 4, π]
So α ∈ [0, π / 2) ∪ [3, π / 4, π)

What are the 7-day and 28 day compressive strength of C10, C15, C20, C25, C30 and C40 concrete respectively

Not less than 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40 MPa!

How to solve the equation x + 2x + 6x = 3.6

Combining the similar terms, we get (1 + 2 + 6) x = 3.6
By simplifying the term, we get x = 3.6/9
The solution is x = 0.4

An atom with a diameter of about 3 times 10 to the - 3rd power

Nm (nanometer)