-(x3) quartic power + 3 × (x2) quartic power · x quartic power

-(x3) quartic power + 3 × (x2) quartic power · x quartic power

-(x3)4 +3×(x2)4·x4
=-x3×4 +3×(x2×4+4
=2 x12

How to integrate x to the power of X3 / (x + 1)
Please try to be more detailed,


Given x ^ 2-x-1 = 0, find the algebraic formula - x ^ 3 + 2x ^ 2 + 2011

Because x ^ 2-x-1 = 0, x ^ 2-x = 1

log2 (x + 3) + log2(x + 2) = 1
log2 (x + 3) + log2(x + 2) = 1

log2 (x + 3) + log2(x + 2) = 1
So x = - 4 or - 1
Because x + 3 > 0, x + 2 > 0
So x > - 2
So x = - 1

36 - one and one sixth

34 and five sixths

For any two positive integers m, N, define the operation, when m and N are both even or odd, M & n = m + n / 2; when m and N are an odd or even number, M & n = Mn under the root sign. Let set a = {(a, b) | A & B = 6, a, B & # 8364; n *} try to find the number of elements in set a

Using the inverse method

A company plans to use 190kg and 172kg of a and B raw materials to process 50 pieces of a and B environmental protection products. If the raw materials required for each product are as follows: (unit: kg)
A 5 3
B 2 4
1. If x pieces of home products are processed, then () pieces of product B will be processed. A total of () kg of raw material a and () kg of raw material B will be required (fill in the blanks with the formula x)
2. Try to determine the processing scheme of a and B environmental protection products

1.50-X 5X+2·(50-X) 3X+4·(50-X)
2. I'll give you the process here. If you don't want the process, there are answers below~
If x pieces of a product are to be processed, then 50-x pieces of B product will require a total of 5x + 2 · (50-x) kg of raw material a and 3x + 4 · (50-x) kg of raw material B
Product B:
50-x = 50-30 = 20 (pieces)
Product B:
50-x = 50-28 = 22 (pieces)
The solution is as follows
① 30 pieces of class a products and 20 pieces of class B products are processed
② 28 type a products and 22 type B products were processed
There are two options:
① 30 pieces of class a products and 20 pieces of class B products are processed
② 28 type a products and 22 type B products were processed
No plagiarism (plagiarizing your own is plagiarism? LZ ah ~ I answered in detail... Give me some points ~ I didn't learn mathematics in vain~
(no plagiarism)

"1 = 5, 2 = 10, 3 = 15, 4 = 20.5"?

1 = 5, so 5 = 1
Please accept

Sequence sum dislocation subtraction
CN = 2n-1) * 4 ^ (n-1)

Tn=1*1+3*4+5*4^2+7*4^3+…… +(2n-3)*4^(n-2)+(2n-1)*4^(n-1) 4Tn= 1*4+3*4^2+5*4^3+.+(2n-3)*4^(n-1)+(2n-1)*4^n Tn-4Tn=1+2*4+2*4^2+2*4^3.+2*4^(n-1)-(2n-1)*4^n -3Tn =1+2[4^2+4^3+4^4+.4^(n-1)...

The coordinate of the intersection of the image with function y = 4x + 8 and X axis is? And the coordinate of the intersection of Y axis is?

The coordinate of the intersection with X axis is (- 2,0) and the coordinate of the intersection with y axis is (0,8)