18. For the algebraic formula 4x2-4x + 3 = () 2 + 2, when x = the value of the algebraic formula 4x2-4x + 3 is the smallest

18. For the algebraic formula 4x2-4x + 3 = () 2 + 2, when x = the value of the algebraic formula 4x2-4x + 3 is the smallest

It's troublesome, but I understand it
(2x + 1) when 2x + 1 = 0, i.e. x = - 1 / 2, the minimum value is 2

Given that the value of the algebraic formula 3x ^ - 2x + 16 is 90, then the value of the algebraic formula 3 / 2x ^ 2-x + 18 is 90


The sum of all natural numbers x that make the value of the algebraic formula y = (x ^ 2 + 11) / (x + 1) an integer is obtained by () a.6 B.11 c.12 d.13

When x = 1, 2, 3, 5, 11, the value is an integer
So 1 + 2 + 3 + 5 + 11 = 22

First day math problem urgent! 1 minute to answer!
If a student does 5 math problems per hour, he can finish them within the scheduled time. When he finishes 10 problems, the efficiency of each problem increases by 60%. Therefore, he not only completes the problem 3 hours in advance, but also does 6 more problems. How many problems did he plan to do? How many hours did he finish it? (it's better to use equation, one yuan one time equation)

The original plan to do X questions, y hours to complete
Original plan to do 60 questions, 12 hours to complete

Sequence - 3 / 5, 33 / 7, - 111 / 3, 3333 / 11 A general term formula of
Can you tell me how you came up with it?

If odd term is negative and even term is negative, then (- 1) ^ n
If you reduce the third item to - 333 / 9, it's easy to find the rule
The denominator is 2n + 3
The molecular weight is (10 ^ n-1) / 3
So the general term {[(- 1) ^ n] [(10 ^ n-1) / 3]} / (2n + 3)
1,11,111,…… It is important to remember: (10 ^ n-1) / 9

How many nanometers is a millimeter?

One millimeter equals 1000 microns, and one micron equals 1000 nanometers

The formula solution of the application problem of the equation of one degree with one variable

The basic steps of solving practical problems are: examining, designing, listing, solving, and answering. The common types of problems are as follows: ① sum, difference, multiple, and score problems, that is, sum of two numbers = larger number + smaller number, larger number = smaller number × multiple ± increase (or decrease) number; ② travel problems, that is, distance

21 / 1 / 3 × 5 / 7 =? (3 / 2-5) / 14 / 19 =? 1 / 3 × 1 / 3 =? (6 / 7 + 1 / 7) × 3 / 8 =?
5 / 8 / 9 / 10 × 4 / 25 =? 3 / 4 × 2 / 3-1 / 4 =?

The answers are: 125 / 21; 19 / 14; - 1 / 12; 3 / 738; 1 / 900; - 1 / 72

Given that x-x 1 / 2 = 3, then the cube of x-x 1 / 2 is the value of x-x 1 / 2

Cube of x-one-third of X
I'm very glad to answer your questions. Skyhunter 002 will answer your questions
If you don't understand this question, you can ask,

In 2010, Grade 7 Volume 1 Summary of knowledge points of English units
Who has,
It's better like a lesson plan
Lesson by lesson summary. Best
Good summary, I will add points
Words, grammar, tense, knowledge points that must be mastered.

Mid term review of English in the first semester of junior high school
[learning objectives]
1、 Phonetic knowledge
2. Word stress
'dinner 'kitchen 'shower 'people for'get pi'ano de'licious re'view
2、 Vocabulary
Unit 1.1-6 words in bold
2. Phrases
what about=how about … What do you think
Fall asleep = be asleep
Eat up
Go to bed
Watch TV
Only child
Wash the dishes
At school / home / work
Go up
Live with sb
3、 Everyday language
§1. What's your name?
My name is Mike.
§2. Are you happy?
Yes, I am./No, I'm not.
§3. What's your favorite subject?
My favorite subject is English.
§4. Do you like sports?
Yes, I do./No, I don't.
4、 Grammar
Part of speech: noun, article, adjective, adverb
2. Comparative grade
[knowledge explanation]
① The name of a person or thing, such as boy, clock, book, tree
Generally speaking, nouns can be divided into proper nouns and common nouns
Proper nouns are the proper names of individuals, things, places, etc., such as Jim, China
The first letter of proper noun should be capitalized, such as Beijing, New York
② Nouns can be divided into countable nouns and uncountable nouns according to their nature
Countable noun: it can be calculated by number. It has singular and plural forms, such as an apple, two apples, a car and some cars
Uncountable nouns: generally, they can't be calculated by numbers, and they don't have plural forms, and they don't need to be modified by the indefinite article a / an, such as water, milk, mean, tea, bread, rice
③ The rules for changing singular nouns into plural nouns are as follows:
Note: (1) the plural of a few nouns is irregular, such as: man → men woman → women child → children
② Some of them add s at the end of the word, such as an American → three Americans
③ Some simple and plural forms are the same, such as: a Chinese → four Chinese a sheet → three sheet a deer → five deer
2. Article
Article is a kind of function word, which can not be used alone, but can only be used together with a noun. There are two kinds of articles, the definite article and the indefinite article a / an
① The indefinite article often expresses the concept of "one" in two forms: A and an. A are used before the singular countable nouns at the beginning of the consonant phoneme, such as a book, a pen; an is used before the nouns at the beginning of the vowel phoneme, such as an apple, an orange, an egg
② The definite article the often expresses the concepts of "this", "that", "these" and "those". The is read before the vowel phoneme and the consonant phoneme, such as the moon, the evening
eg. ①-Do you have an English book?
-Yes, but the English book is broken.
② There is a chicken in the picture.
③ We can't see the sun at night.
④ The Browns are going to the park this Sunday.
⑤ Shanghai is in the east of China.
It can be used as attribute, predicative and object complement in a sentence
It's a sunny day today. Let's go to the park
This book is good.
It's very nice of you to help us.
Synonyms and synonyms of common adjectives:
Large → big
Glad → happy / please
Diagnosis and treatment of ill → sick
Fine → well
Antonyms and corresponding words of common adjectives:
Bad → good
Big → small
Busy → free
Dry → wet
Same → different
Empty → full
Cold → hot
Open → closed
Poor → rich
Used to modify verbs, adjectives, other adverbs or the whole sentence, as adverbial or predicative
eg. Now he is back in New York again.
Now he's back in New York
Mike is a good student. He often does his homework carefully.
Adverbs are generally divided into seven categories
① Adverbs of time: now, of course, then, early, ago, before
② Adverbs of place: here, there, out, above, up, down
③ Adverbs of manner: hard, well, badly, fast, slowly
④ Adverbs of degree: very, much, still, almost, too, so
⑤ Interrogative Adverbs: how, when, why, where
⑥ Relative adverbs: when, where, why
⑦ Adverbs: now, where, why
Time adverbs such as "often" are always placed in the middle of a sentence, also known as "middle Adverbs". Such adverbs include always, usually, sometimes, ever, never, etc
The rule of "middle position" is as follows
① Put after a single be verb;
② Before a single notional verb;
③ When the predicate is more than one word, put it after the first auxiliary or modal verb
You are always late for school
I usually go to school by bike.
I never see that book.
He often helps other students.
He goes to work on foot sometimes.
Comparison level
In comparison, adjectives and adverbs have three forms: original, comparative and superlative
The comparative and superlative of regular adjectives and adverbs plus - er or - est
(1) The irregular adjectives and adverbs are as follows:
→wors →worst
Many / many → more → most
Little → less → least
Far → farther → farther
(old, old) old
(2) Three sentence patterns
① Original sentence pattern:
As + adjective / adverb + as means "and" No as / so + adjective / adverb + as It's not the same
eg. I think Kate does just as well as Ann.
If you like the chicken, you may have as much as you can.
I don't like the film. It's not so interesting as that one.
② Comparative sentence pattern:
a. Subject + predicate + comparative degree + than + other Some. "
eg. This city is more beautiful than that one.
It is hotter today than yesterday.
He is a much nicer worker.
b. Comparative + and + comparative, more and more + original To show the degree of change
eg. The world's population is growing faster and faster.
The world's population is growing faster and faster
more and more beautiful
More and more beautiful
c. The + comparative, the + comparative The more... " It shows that with the change of the former condition, the latter result also changes
Eg. the more she eats, the fatter she'll be
The more, the better
③ Superlative sentence pattern:
Subject + predicate + the superlative of adjective or adverb + in / of
Note: he is the most caring student
He writes (the) most carefully in his class
This kind of cake is the most delicious.
I like English best.
Mike is the youngest in his class.
He runs fastest.
The first volume of junior high school English
1、 Be verb
1. According to the different person, the verb be has three basic forms: am, is and be are.am It is used in the singular first person (I); is used in the singular third person (he, she, it); are used in the second person and the plural first, second, third person (we, you, they)
I am fifty years old
I'm fifteen years old
You are my friend forever.
You will always be my friend
He is a hard-working student.
He is a hard-working student
The students are reading books in the classroom.
The students are all reading in the classroom
2. The negative form of be verb is directly followed by not
I am not fifteen years old.
He is not a hard-working student.
The students are not reading books in the classroom.
3. To change the affirmative sentence of be into a question, the verb be should be mentioned at the beginning of the sentence
Are you fi