Why are the two digits at the end of a five digit square 25

Why are the two digits at the end of a five digit square 25

Two numbers with a single digit of 5 can be expressed as 10A + 5
So (10a + 5) & sup2; = 100A & sup2; + 100A + 25 = 100 (A & sup2; + a) + 25
This shows that the last two digits are 25

There are () perfect squares in the numbers 1 to 2008

44^2=1 936

With a 50 cm long and 40 cm wide rectangular sheet iron, cut a square from each of the four corners to make a 5 cm deep uncovered iron box, and calculate the volume

Volume = (50-5-5) × (40-5-5) × 5 = 6000 CC

What is the difference between average speed and average speed?

The average velocity is displacement divided by time, and the average velocity is distance divided by time

What is the shortest distance for an ant to start from point a and crawl along the side of the cone to point d
Quick decision··

Is the bottom diameter AB? It seems that it can't be calculated

Choose the correct answer and put the serial number in brackets
1. The group with errors in the following words is ()
A. Tunnel scintillation filter submergence
B. Grave erosion mausoleum stands
C. Gratification offsets dignified record
D. Exposed forest of steles

1. The group with errors in the following words is (a)
A. Tunnel scintillation filter submergence
B. Grave erosion mausoleum stands
C. Gratification offsets dignified record
D. Exposed forest of steles

The perimeter ratio of the two circles is 3:2, and the area difference is 25 square centimeters. What is the sum of the areas of the two circles?
School sports meeting, physical education teachers along one side of the runway inserted 12 flags, the two adjacent flags equal distance. The first flag is the starting point, and the 12th is the end point. Li Ming ran from the first flag bubble to the sixth flag in 10 seconds. If his speed doesn't change, how many seconds will it take to finish the whole race?
Three classes in grade six save pocket money to support hope primary school. The amount of money donated by class one is two-thirds of that of class two. The ratio between class one and class three is 4: class one donates 50 yuan more than class three. How many yuan do the three classes donate?

1. The ratio of perimeter is 3:2, the ratio of area is 9:4, 25 ^ (9-4) = 5, 5 × (9 + 4) = 45 (square centimeter), 2.10 ^ (6-1) = 2, 2 × (12-1) = 22 (second), 3.50 ^ (4-3) = 50 (yuan), class 1: 50 × 4 = 200 (yuan), class 2: 200 ^ (2 / 3) = 300 (yuan), class 3: 50 × 3 =

In the straight prism abc-a1b1c1, Aa1 = 1, ab = 2, AC = BC = √ 2, D is the midpoint of AB, and the volume of triangular pyramid a1-b1cd is calculated


How to find the distance between the chord and the arc when the arc length, chord length and the distance from the center of the circle to the chord are known for a sector

Half of the length of the string, the distance from the center of the circle to the string and the radius form a right triangle. The radius is calculated by Pythagorean theorem. The distance between the string and the arc is the radius minus the distance from the center of the circle to the string

A problem of sequence summation!
Known CN = (2n-3) × 2 ^ (n-1)
Let TN = C1 + C2 + C3 +... + CN