Which is the first to divide a number by the square of another number

Which is the first to divide a number by the square of another number

Square first, because it doesn't say what the square of a number divided by another number is

How to calculate the square of a number

Just square root the number

For example, input 1234, output 1, 2, 3, 4, and then output 4321
It's required to do it with a loop, and it's also necessary to set up for any n
C + + language

What language version do you need

The corresponding points of rational numbers a, B and C on the number axis are a, B and C, and their positions are shown in the figure. Try to simplify | a | + | B | + | C |

According to the meaning: a > 0, C > 0, B < 0, then | a | + | B | + | C | = A-B + C

The approximate image of two linear functions y = ax + B and y = BX + A in the unified coordinate system

There are four cases
a> 0, b > 0, the two function images are in the one two three quadrant, are increasing function

Is a large amount of predicate verb singular or plural?

Even if the singular number is followed by the plural number of the countable noun, the number of the predicate has to be consistent with the form of amount
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It is known that in the triangle ABC, AC = BC, ∠ ACB = 90 & # 186;, point D is the midpoint of AB, and point E is a point on the edge of ab. the straight line BF ⊥ CE lies at point F, intersects CD at point G, and proves AE = CG

What are the synonyms or phrases of English beacuse?

They all have the meaning of "because"

10: 89 - Y: which direction is 143?

If the coordinate is 2 positive numbers, it is northeast, if y is negative, it is southeast
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What's the phrase "hand"?

I'll list some common ones
Hand back
Hand in
To help in (a car)
Hand over
Hand down
Hand on
Hand out hand out hand out
Hand up to the superior