How to input a number in C language and output its digits in reverse order,

How to input a number in C language and output its digits in reverse order,

Divide by 10, output remainder, then divide by 100, output remainder while(s/a!=0) {printf("%d",s%a);a=a*10;}

How to extract a number from a string of numbers in C language?

For example, the number string you save is char STR [11] ='0123456789 '; the number to be extracted is the result of subtracting the character 0 from the corresponding character;
int a = str[i] - '0';

Please spell your English teacher's name?

Please spell your English teacher's name
Her/His name is spelled as "S" "I" "M" "O" "N", Simon.

The area of a square flower bed is 25 square meters, and one side of the square flower bed is () meters long

Children, do you know how to calculate the square area? It's the side length times the side length
So, 25 = what times what? = 5 times 5
So the answer is five

What is the comparative degree of happy? What is the adjective of friend? What is the plural of dictionary?


Mathematical problems on cosine theorem
In the triangle ABC, given a ^ 2 + AB = C ^ 2-B ^ 2, how to get the internal angle c equal to 120 degrees
PS: Thought and formula

Get AB = c-b-a from the condition, and then write out the expression of COSC and replace ab

Use watch TV to make the simple present tense, the simple past tense, the present perfect tense, the present continuous tense, the past continuous tense and the general future tense
Use watch TV to make sentences with the simple present tense, the simple past tense, the present perfect tense, the present continuous tense, the past continuous tense and the general future tense (the subject is she). Just use phrases to make sentences without adverbials

General present tense
  watch TV
General past tense
  watched TV
The present perfect tense
  have watched tv
The present continuous tense
  be watching tv
Past continuous tense
  was/were watching tv
General future tense
  will watch tv

The direct theoretical source of Marxist philosophy is ()
A the materialist philosophy of ancient Greece
B 19th century German classical philosophy
C the materialist philosophy of England in the 17th century
D 18th century French materialist philosophy

It's too simple, mainly Hegel's dialectics and Feuerbach's materialism
There's a small part in the book
Just remember these things
B is absolutely right

In the series circuit of resistance and inductor, the inductor exchanges energy with the power supply and does not consume reactive power

Inductor is an energy storage element, which is characterized by the phase difference between the voltage and current at both ends is 90 degrees, and the current of inductor lags behind the voltage by 90 degrees. The inductor itself does not consume energy, and the current is used to establish the electric field or magnetic field required by the work
Energy exchanges repeatedly between power plant and load, so people define this kind of repeatedly exchanged energy as reactive power

Using the relevant knowledge of historical materialism, this paper discusses the philosophical basis for ensuring and improving people's livelihood and promoting social fairness and justice

1. The historical role of the masses. Adhere to the mass viewpoint and mass line
2. Values play a guiding role in understanding and transforming the world
3. The dialectical relationship between social existence and social consciousness
4. Productivity and production relations, economic base and superstructure