Take a point P on the image of the function y = - 3x, pass through the point P and make PA perpendicular to the X axis. Given that the abscissa of the point P is - 2, find the area of the triangle POA of the triangle and help me Take a point P on the graph of function y = - 3x, pass through point P to make PA perpendicular to X axis, the abscissa of known point P is - 2, find the area of triangle POA of triangle, who can help me

Take a point P on the image of the function y = - 3x, pass through the point P and make PA perpendicular to the X axis. Given that the abscissa of the point P is - 2, find the area of the triangle POA of the triangle and help me Take a point P on the graph of function y = - 3x, pass through point P to make PA perpendicular to X axis, the abscissa of known point P is - 2, find the area of triangle POA of triangle, who can help me

Let P (x, y)
PA is perpendicular to the X axis, and the abscissa of point P is - 2
Y = - 3x, so y = 6, PA = 6
And Po = 2

If the function f (x) = {a (x-1) + 1, x = - 1 (a > 0, and a = / 1). Is a monotone function on R, then the value range of the real number a

When X & lt; - 1, f (x) = a (x-1) + 1 and (A & gt; 0, and a = / 1) & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;, we can see that when X & lt; - 1, f (x) increases monotonically

If the function f (x) = x3-6bx + 3B has a minimum in (0,1), then the value range of real number B is______ .

The derivative of the function f (x) = x3-6bx + 3b is f ′ & nbsp; (x) = 3x2-6b has zero point in (0,1), and the answer is: (0,12)

Please insert two minus signs and a plus sign in 123456789 to make it equal to 100


Given that x = - 2 is a solution of the equation AX + bx-c = 0, we can find the value of 8a-4b-2c
Online, etc-------

X = - 2 is a solution of the equation AX & # 178; + bx-c = 0
So 4a-2b-c = 0

How to calculate multiplication and division before addition and subtraction with calculator on computer
20-4 * (- 5) this,

First, the computer calculator view items, from standard to scientific
Then enter the number in order, as well as the operation symbol and extension

Given that the two equations 2x & # 178; + 3x-4 = 0 are X1 and X2 respectively, find X1 & # 178; + x2 & # 178;

From the relationship between the root and the coefficient, it is concluded that

Linear regression equation fitting effect judgment basis, such as R R2

I summed up the method of learning mathematics after senior three. First of all, you must have confidence in yourself. You must firmly believe that I can learn mathematics well. Second, you said the sea of questions tactics, which is a long history of tactics, why it has not been eliminated for so many years, is that it is suitable for most students, you do more questions, see more

Size: 3cm * 6cm (area)

It should be 9pai / 2
The area of the ellipse is Pai * a * B; the University uses the integral to solve the problem, and the junior high school students think that the ellipse is flattened by a circle (multiply the area of the circle by the "compression ratio")
Wrong upstairs!
a. B is the length of the major and minor half axes of the ellipse

How to do the thinking problem on page 16 of mathematics exercise book

The formula of volume is length × width × height. According to the conditions of the title, the formula is 30 × 20 × 5 = 3000, and the unit is cubic centimeter