Factorization: 1-8a ^ 2 + 16A ^ 4

Factorization: 1-8a ^ 2 + 16A ^ 4

1-8a^2+16a^4 =(1-4a²)²=(1-2a)²(1+2a)²

Factorization: 1, 16a & # 178; - 64; 2, (A & # 178; + 4) &# 178; - 16A & # 178;; 3, the fourth power of X - 2x & # 178; + 1;

1. This is the first time that we want to get 178, and-64; = 16 (A & \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\(x-1) & 178; 4

Factorization 999 & sup2; - 998 & sup2;

(999² - 998)*(999+998)
= 1* 1997

Apples and pears weigh 45 kg, apples and bananas 43 kg, pears and bananas 48 kg, how many kg do the three fruits weigh?
Please use the third grade knowledge to answer

(Apple + pear) - (Apple + banana) = 45-43
Then pear banana = 2
(pear banana) + (pear banana) = 2 + 48
Then 2 portions of pear = 50
Pear = 25 kg
Then Apple = 45-25 = 20 kg
Banana = 48-25 = 23 kg
I don't know. Can you read it

Given a + B = - 2, a * b = 3, then 2 [a * B + (- 3a)] - 3 (2b-a * b) =?


Mathematical problems of real and imaginary numbers
Given m ∈ R, when m is a value, the complex z = (m-4m-12) + (m-5m-6) I
(1) Is a real number and finds a real number
(2) And find out the pure imaginary number
(3) It's an imaginary number

1. When m = 6, z = 0; when m = - 1, z = - 7.2. According to the definition of complex number as a pure imaginary number, the real part is 0. So m ^ 2-4m-12 = 0, M = 6 or M = - 2. When m = 6, z = 0 is a real number, rounding off; when m = - 2, z = 8i. 3

A total of 50 baskets of pears and apples were delivered to the fruit shop. The number of baskets of pears was 23 times that of apples. How many baskets of pears and apples were delivered?

50 ÷ (1 + 23) = 50 △ 53 = 50 × 35 = 30 (basket) 50-30 = 20 (basket) a: 20 baskets of pears and 30 baskets of apples will be delivered

How many numbers can be taken out of the 50 natural numbers 1-15, so that the sum of any two numbers is not equal to the number taken out

So that the sum of any two numbers is not equal to the number taken out
We can make the sum of any two numbers greater than 50
So: let's take the 26 natural numbers of 25 ~ 50 to satisfy the problem

According to the book of physics, the electromotive force of sinusoidal alternating current changes according to the law of sine. When the load is pure resistance, the voltage and current of the load also change according to the law of sine,
Then why does the voltage and current not change according to the sine law when connecting electric appliances such as motors with non pure resistance? Also, in reality, it's common for alternating current to connect electric motors. Is the current also high or low? It's easy to catch a cold when it's cold or hot
Help recommend a learning forum, that is, you can ask a variety of high school learning problems
If you have a good one, you will definitely get more points

The voltage and current of alternating current change periodically according to the sine law. This is an objective existence, but you can't feel the change from the experience of using electrical appliances
In the non pure resistance circuit, the existence of inductive reactance and / or capacitive reactance leads to the asynchrony of current and voltage, but only changes the phase angle of current, and the sinusoidal variation of current does not change at all

"National Day" four (1) class students to outing, teacher Wang gave them a total of 216 photos. A box of film can take 36 photos, teacher Wang used a few boxes of film?

A: Mr. Wang used six boxes of film