What is the conversion ratio of natural gas, LNG and CNG?

What is the conversion ratio of natural gas, LNG and CNG?

The main component of liquefied natural gas (LNG) and compressed natural gas (CNG) is methane. The volume of gaseous methane is 625 times of that of liquid methane. The volume of LNG is about 1 / 625 of that of natural gas with the same mass in standard state. The volume of compressed natural gas (25MPa) is about 1 / 250 of that of natural gas with the same mass in standard state. The conversion ratio between LNG and CNG is about 0.4:1

Third week side
1. In the following formulas, the equality relation must be ()
A.(x-y)2=(y-x)2 B.(x+6)(x-6)=x2-6
C.(x+y)2=x2+y2 D.6(x-2)+x(2-x)=(x-2)(x-6)
2. The following operations are correct ()
A.x2+x2=2x4 B.a2•a3= a5
C.(-2x2)4=16x6 D.(x+3y)(x-3y)=x2-3y2
3. The following calculation is correct ()
A.(-4x)•(2x2+3x-1)=-8x3-12x2-4x B.(x+y)(x2+y2)=x3+y3
C.(-4a-1)(4a-1)=1-16a2 D.(x-2y)2=x2-2xy+4y2
The calculation result of (x + 2) (X-2) (x2 + 4) is ()
A.x4+16 B.-x4-16 C.x4-16 D.16-x4
5. The calculation result of 1992-1991 × 1993 is ()
A.1 B.-1 C.2 D.-2
6. For any integer n, the integer that can divide the algebraic formula (n + 3) (n-3) - (n + 2) (n-2) is ()
A.4 B.3 C.5 D.2
7.( )(5a+1)=1-25a2,(2x-3) =4x2-9,(-2a2-5b)( )=4a4-25b2
8.99×101=( )( )= .
9.(x-y+z)(-x+y+z)=[z+( )][ ]=z2-( )2.
10. If the polynomial x2 + KX + 25 is the square of another polynomial, then k =
11.(a+b)2=(a-b)2+ ,a2+b2=[(a+b)2+(a-b)2]( ),
a2+b2=(a+b)2+ ,a2+b2=(a-b)2+ .
12. Calculation. (1) (a + b) 2 - (a-b) 2;
13. Given M2 + n2-6m + 10N + 34 = 0, find the value of M + n
14. If (2a + 2B + 1) (2a + 2b-1) = 63, find the value of a + B
15. Given that (a + b) 2 = 60, (a-b) 2 = 80, find the values of a 2 + B 2 and ab

(1)A(2)B(3)C(4)C(5)A(6)C(7)1-5a 2x+3 -2a2+5b (8)(100-1)(100+1)=9999(9) [z+(x-y)][z-(x-y)]=z2-(x-y)2 (10) 10 (11) 4ab 1/2 -2ab 2ab(12) (a+b)2-(a-b)2=a2+2ab+b2-a2+2ab-b2=4ab (3x-4y)2-(3x+y)2=9x2-24xy+16...

The formula of mathematical disorderly arrangement is 1, 11 + 66 = 457 2, 39 * 11 = 75 2, 783 of 52 = 31

This is to rearrange the numbers so that the formula holds

And the method of skillful calculation
80.7 ×8.7+8.07×13
17 △ 51 + (1 / 68 + 2 / 51) × 17
76 × (1 / 23-1 / 53) + 23 × (1 / 53 + 1 / 76) - 53 × (1 / 23-1 / 76)

80.7 ×8.7+8.07×13
[using the law of multiplicative distribution]
17 △ 51 + (1 / 68 + 2 / 51) × 17
=17/51 + 1/68 ×17 + 2/51×17
=17/51 +17/68 +34/51
=17/51 +34/51 +17/68
=1 +1/4
=5 / 4 (i.e. 1.25)
[multiplicative distributive law merges similar terms]
76 × (1 / 23-1 / 53) + 23 × (1 / 53 + 1 / 76) - 53 × (1 / 23-1 / 76)
=76× 1/23 -76× 1/53 +23× 1/53 +23× 1/76 + -53×1/23 +53×1/76
[in this step, first multiply by the law of multiplicative distribution, then merge the similar items]
= 76/23 - 76/53 + 23/53 + 23/76 -53/23 + 53/76
= (76-53)/23 + (23-76)/53 + (23+53)/76
= 1 -1 +1
= 1
Don't understand, please ask~

The problem of complete square formula in elementary school
If x + y = 1, xy = - 2, then x ^ 2 + y ^ 2=


What is the maximum value of a + B when a three digit number is divided by 52?

Divisor greater than remainder
So the maximum remainder is 51
Divided by 52, the rest is 51
The maximum number of three digits is 987
So the divisor is 18
So the maximum of a + B is 18 + 51 = 69

The old lady opened a window for her

It can be understood that the old lady has opened the shackles of her soul, so that she can pursue a relaxed state of mind

Reflections on the reading of the Enlightenment of dropping water wears away stone

No one could have imagined that the small water drop in Taiji cave could drop through the stone. But with perseverance and wholehearted spirit, the water drop defeated the powerful stone with its own small strength
Edison was not afraid of difficulties, invented the electric lamp; Qi Baishi, old man, no matter old or weak, practiced painting diligently, and his painting skills reached the level of perfection; Li Shizhen went over the mountains, exhausted his efforts, and wrote the pharmaceutical masterpiece "steel catalogue of Materia Medica"; Nobel did experiments regardless of life safety, to make explosives safer and more practical. They all had the spirit of dripping water through the stone and made great achievements
If you want to succeed, you have to have this kind of spirit. What can you do if you fish for three days and dry the net for two days? Nowadays, people are too lazy. They only know how to buy things with money, but they still don't think it's good. Why don't we think about it ourselves? There are many young people who give up their goals and good intentions because they are afraid of hardship. They read a novel today, I'll be a writer tomorrow, I'll be a musician the day after I listen to a concert tomorrow As a result, they didn't do anything. The reason for their failure was that they gave up halfway and didn't persevere
The road to success is full of bumps and bumps, but as long as there is the spirit of dripping water pierces the stone, you can dribble through the difficult stones and achieve success. Looking back, the successful person has not experienced ups and downs? But they did not fall down, but with the spirit of dripping water pierces the stone to overcome difficulties and achieve the final victory, Only in this way can we reach the other side of success
In the face of the goal, we must work hard, struggle, but also have the spirit of dripping through the stone, in order to achieve our beautiful ideal!

For the number x, the sign [x] represents the largest integer not greater than x. if [3x + A / 2] = 3 has a positive integer solution, then the value range of positive number a is ()


102 * 99 + 102 simple calculation?
