Is the function f (x) = x + change sign (X & # 178;, - 1) non odd and non even? Is the function f (x) = (1-x) even under the change sign (1 + x) / (1-x)? How about speed? I just went to the cram school, but I didn't understand what the teacher said (⊙ o ⊙)

Is the function f (x) = x + change sign (X & # 178;, - 1) non odd and non even? Is the function f (x) = (1-x) even under the change sign (1 + x) / (1-x)? How about speed? I just went to the cram school, but I didn't understand what the teacher said (⊙ o ⊙)

The function f (x) = x + under the change sign (X & # 178;, - 1) is a non odd non even function
The function f (x) = (1-x) under the change sign (1 + x) / (1-x) is also a non odd and non even function, whose domain of definition is asymmetric

Let f (x) be a function with 1 as a period, and if x belongs to (- 1,0), f (x) = 2x + 1, find the value of F (7 / 2)

F (x) is a function with a period of 1
So f (x + 1) = f (x)
f(7/2)=f(5/2)=f(3/2)…… =f(-1/2)
When x belongs to (- 1,0), f (x) = 2x + 1

The period of function f (x) is 3. If f (x) = x ^ 2-2x + 1 on interval [0,3], then f (x) on interval [3,6]=

F (x) = f (x + 3), so f (x) is equal to x ^ 2-2x + 1 in [3,6]

Find Lim [1 + (sin1 / x + cos1 / x-1)] ^ x (x tends to infinity)

Let t = 1 / x, t tend to 0lim [1 + (sin1 / x + cos1 / x-1)] ^ x (x tend to infinity) = LIM (Sint + cost) ^ (1 / T) = Lim [1 + (Sint + cost-1)] ^ {[1 / (Sint + cost-1)] * (Sint + cost-1) / T} = e (because when t tends to 0, LIM (Sint + cost-1) / T = LIM (cost Sint) = 1)

What is the remainder of the result of 2006 * 2007 * 2008 divided by 7?

Since 2009 can be divided by 7, only the last term - 6 is considered, that is, the number can be divided by 6, so the number divided by 7 is 1

-Simple operation of 13 × 2 / 3-0.34 × 2 / 7 + (- 13) - 5 / 7 × 0.34

It's 3301 out of 150

The general solution of the second order nonhomogeneous differential equation y ″ - 4Y ′ + 3Y = 2e2x with constant coefficients is y=______ .

The characteristic equation of the homogeneous equation is λ 2-4, λ + 3 = 0, and its characteristic root is λ 1 = 1, λ 2 = 3. Then the general solution of the homogeneous equation is & nbsp; Y1 = c1ex + c2e3x. Because the non-homogeneous term is f (x) = E2x, and 2 is not the root of the characteristic equation, the special solution of the original equation is & nbsp; Y1 = c1ex + c2e3x; So the general solution of the original equation is & nbsp; y = Y1 + y * = c1ex + c2e3x - 2e2x, where C1 and C2 are arbitrary constants

How much water is one liter

One liter of water is equal to two Jin of water

What's 250 times 80 vertical

two hundred and fifty
× 80
one hundred and sixty
twenty thousand

Given (x + 1) ^ n = A0 + A1 (x-1) + A2 (x-1) ^ 2 +... + an (x-1) ^ n, where n ≥ 2, n ∈ n *. Let BN = 2 ^ (n-3) / A2, find B2 + B3 +... + BN

(Baidu knows that it doesn't support mathematical formulas, so it can only send you a link.)
We can get: a_ 2=C_ (n,2)*2^(n-2)=n(n-1)*2^(n-3)
So B_ n=1/n(n-1)
So B_ 2+b_ 3+...+b_ n=1/2+1/6+1/12+...+1/n(n-1)=(1-1/2)+(1/2-1/3)+(1/3-1/4)+.+1/n-1/(n-1)=1-1/(n-1)