A is antisymmetric matrix B is real symmetric matrix prove a ^ 2 is real symmetric matrix

A is antisymmetric matrix B is real symmetric matrix prove a ^ 2 is real symmetric matrix

Because a is an antisymmetric matrix
Then a = - A ^ t
Is a real symmetric matrix

Is ten minutes singular or plural?

You'd better take a look at the sentences. Generally speaking, they should be plural

Calculation: 1. (a + B + C) (c + D + e) 2. (AX + b) (Cx + D)

.(ax+b)(cx+d) =acx^2+adx+bcx+bd

Is the predicate after data singular or plural?

The plural form of singular data is datum. Datum is plural, datum is singular. Datum can hardly be seen in practical English application. Datum is no longer included in many medium-sized authoritative dictionaries

In △ ABC, ab = radical 5, AC = 2, BC = 1 (1) judge the shape of △ ABC
2) Take AB as the edge, make △ abd out of △ ABC, and make △ abd the isosceles right angle △ to find the length of CD

1) The triangle ABC is a right triangle because AB ^ 2 = AC ^ 2 + BC ^ 2
2) In the first case, if ABCD is a rectangle, then CD = AB = root 5
In the second case, if point d coincides with point C, then CD = 0
In the third case, ABCD is a tetrahedral CD =? I haven't thought of telling you yet

English translation
1. Three swordsmen
2. Carrot has rich nutritional value
3. Actually
Eat more carrots, you will have a healthy body
I hope you like me
50 points for each correct answer

1.The Three Musketeers
2.Carrot is rich in nutritional value
3.In fact,
4.Eat carrots,you will have a healthy body.
5.I hope everyone likes

X / (a + b) - A / B-B / a = 2 (a + B is not equal to 0)

The teacher proofread, x = AB / (a + b)

English translation
1.reach out
2.get out
3.hand out
4.put out
Translation 2

1. Reach out
Get out get out get out get out get out
Take out, give out, give out
4. Put out, extend, produce, eliminate, disturb, trouble, make efforts to make exit

The natural numbers are arranged as follows: 1251017.436118.9871219.1615, please fill in line 2008 and column 2009

1\x092\x095\x0910\x0917\x0926\x0937\x09… 4\x093\x096\x0911\x0918\x0927\x0938\x09… 9\x098\x097\x0912\x0919\x0928\x0939\x09… 16\x0915\x0914\x0913\x0920\x0929\x0940\x09… 25\x0924\x0923\x0922\x0921\x0930\...

Does good a and B refer to good a + good B or good a + B? In other words, is adjective + noun + and + noun the first noun or two nouns modified by adjective?

For example, you are a good student and friend