a. B belongs to R. judge the square of a + the square of B + 1 and the size of a + B + ab

a. B belongs to R. judge the square of a + the square of B + 1 and the size of a + B + ab


Let f '' (U) exist, find the second derivative d ^ 2Y / DX ^ 2 (1) y = f (x ^ 2) (2) y of the following function=
Let f '' (U) exist and find the second derivative d ^ 2Y / DX ^ 2 of the following functions

y = f(x^2)
y' =2xf'(x^2)
y'' =2f'(x^2) + 4x^2.f''(x^2)
y' = cosxf'(sinx)
y''= -sinxf'(sinx) + (cosx)^2f''(sinx)

There are three questions in a mathematics test, the first question is 3 points, the second question and the third question are 1 points each, and the full score of the whole paper is 5 points. 40 students of a grade mathematics interest group participated in the test, and the total score is 100 points, among which 4 students got 0 points, 7 students got 1 points, 10 students got 2 points, and 8 students got 4 points. (1) how many students got 3 points and 5 points respectively? (2) If it is stipulated that the students who answer the right questions will get enough marks for this question, and those who do not answer the right questions will get no marks?

(1) Let X students get 3 points and y students get 5 points. According to the meaning of the question, x + y = 40 − 4 − 7 − 10 − 83x + 5Y = 100 − 1 × 7 − 2 × 10 − 4 × 8, x = 7Y = 4. Answer: 7 students get 3 points and 4 students get 5 points

Design program block diagram: calculate and output function y = x ^ 4 + 2x ^ 3 + 1 when x is 2,4,6,8,10 respectively

I don't have software. I'll dictate it. You can do it yourself!
The complex initial value of X is 2

Y = 2E ^ xsinx, what is the derivative of Y?


10 within 100 addition and subtraction application problem, attention is the application problem
Children's homework in the evening!

There are 500 peach trees in guoguohuang, 251 less than pear trees. How many pear trees are there?
2. There are 44 young pioneers in grade two, 15 less in grade one than in grade two. How many young pioneers are there in grade one?
3. The store brought back a cart of fruit and sold 7 baskets a day. After 4 days, there were 21 baskets left. How many baskets are there in this cart?
4. There are 200 books in the school, 128 of which have been loaned out. The rest are divided into 8 classes. How many classes can they be allocated to?

It is known that when x = 2, the value of the algebraic formula ax ^ 5 + BX ^ 3 + CX + 6 is 10. When x = - 2, find the value of the algebraic formula ax ^ 5 + BX ^ 3 + CX + 6


0123456789 the top four digits, minus three digits, the result is three digits, each number can only be used once,

It is known that the two asymptote equations of hyperbola x2a2 − y2b2 = 1 (a > 0, b > 0) are y = ± 33x. If the distance from the vertex to the asymptote is 1, then the hyperbolic equation is y = ± 33x______ .

The focus of the hyperbola is on the x-axis, ∵ the two asymptote equations are y = ± 33x, ∵ Ba = 33, and the coordinates of one vertex (a, 0). The distance from the fixed point to the asymptote 3x-3y = 0 is: A2 = 1, ∵ a = 2, ∵ B = 233, ∵ the equation of the hyperbola is: x24 − 3y24 = 1

Add "plus sign, minus sign, multiplication sign, division sign" to the middle of 16 eights to make the result of the formula equal to 2004
