If the domain of F (x) = LG (x ^ 2-3x + 2) is m, and the domain of G (x) = LG (x-1) + LG (X-2) is n, (1) M ∩ n = φ (2) M = n (3) m contained in n (4) m contained in n

If the domain of F (x) = LG (x ^ 2-3x + 2) is m, and the domain of G (x) = LG (x-1) + LG (X-2) is n, (1) M ∩ n = φ (2) M = n (3) m contained in n (4) m contained in n

M is X & # 178; - 3x + 2 = (x-1) (X-2) > 0
N is X-1 > 0 and X-2 > 0
M includes X-1 > 0 and X-2 > 0 or X-1

Two word phrases in English
Don't forget to translate the first word as turn, put, pick
The more complete the better!

To turn off; turn
Turn into
Turn on
Turn out production
Turn over to Turn over; start; turn over; turn over
Turn left v
Turn right v
Turn around vessels stay in port
Turn in turn in turn in turn in go to bed
Turn back
Turn up turn up turn up
Turn out to be
Turn down
Turn from be struck with abhorrenc
Your turn
Turn away Go in; go away; turn around
Turn round
Turn of the century;
put about
To spread (News); declare
put across
To explain; express
put aside
To save (money, time); save; save spare
put away
To store (money); store Reserve (= put by)
To eat; drink
put back
To move back; move back
put by
To save; save To reserve (money)
put down
To write down; jot down
put down as
To regard as; regard as
put down for
Put (sb) on the list of (donors)
put down to
Say Rise from (sth)
put forward
Put forward (opinions, suggestions)
put in
To interrupt; interrupt
put in a good word for
For A few words
put off
To postpone; postpone
put on
To pretend; disguise
put onto
To Introduce to Provide (information)
put out
Put out; turn off; put out
put oneself out
Take care of
put over
Explain; explain; Express
put through
put sb. through to
put to
Ask (a question); make (a suggestion)
put together
put up
To raise (an umbrella)
put up to
Instigate; instigate do
put up with
Endure; endure; suffer
Take off take off take off
Take on Contest; begin to hire
Take over take over take over take over take over
Take down take down take down take down
Take place
Take apart
Take sharp has a significant development; form; take shape; take shape
Take notes
Take position
Take a break
Take a chance on Adventure
Take a hand in
Take a hike go away
Take a look
Take a rain check rescheduling
Take a walk
To take action; Sue
Take away, take away, take away
Take care of
Take charge of
Take delight in
Take photos
Take a position
Take possession of
Take things as they come; take things as they come; take things as they come; take things as they come; take things as they come
sentence pattern
Take... To... Take... To

As shown in the figure, △ ABC, D is the midpoint of AB, e is the point above AC, be ‖ DF, BD ‖ EF, DF intersects AC with G. verification: Ag = eg

If the quadrilateral befd is a parallelogram, then EF is parallel to BD
And ad = BD, so EF is parallel to AD. if de and AF are connected, the quadrilateral ADEF is a parallelogram
So Ag = eg

There is an apple on the desk?

There are some apples on the desk

In the triangle ABC, the opposite sides of angles a, B and C are A.B.C, and cosa = 4 / 5. If B = 2, the area of triangle ABC is 3, find Tanc


Can you make sure where Alice had put the gold ring

Can you make sure where Alice had put the gold ring?
You can turn interrogative sentences into declarative sentences first
you Can make sure { where Alice had put the gold ring.}
Subject predicate verb where guided object clause subject predicate verb object

The bottom area of a cylindrical pool is 8m in diameter and 3M in depth. If tiles are pasted on the bottom and around the pool, the area of each tile is 2 square meters
Decimeter, at least how many tiles?

2 square decimeter = 0.02 square meter
=6280 yuan

Antonym of wet

Antonym of wet: dry
The United States
Dry, dry, thirsty, dry cough, boring vt To remove moisture from To keep (meat or other food, for example) dry
example sentence:
There were few dry eyes in the house when I finished

On a mathematical problem of solving triangles in the second year of senior high school,
It is known that in △ ABC, a, B and C are opposite sides of a, B and C respectively. It is known that two radical signs 2 (Sin & sup2; a-SiN & sup2; c) = (a-b) SINB, and the radius of circumscribed circle of △ ABC is radical sign 2
1 find angle c
2 find the maximum area s of △ ABC

Note that a / 2R = Sina,
That is, sine theorem a / Sina = B / SINB = C / sinc = 2R, both sides of the above formula multiply by 2R
There is a ^ 2-C ^ 2 = (a-b) B, that is, a ^ 2 + B ^ 2-C ^ 2 = ab
From the cosine theorem
So C = 60 degrees
The largest area can be drawn, because C = 60 ° C = 2R * sinc = root 6
First, draw the circumscribed circle. The length of AB is fixed. Let's see when the height is the highest. Just when ABC is an isosceles triangle, the height is the highest. It's easy to see from the figure. At this time, it's an equilateral triangle and the area is easy to find. It's 3 * root 3 / 2

The present progressive subject + be + doing and the be verb are also written
It's not a sentence, just use the letters as above!

The present continuous tense: the subject of the present continuous tense + be + doing + object
General past tense: general past tense subject + be verb past tense + object
General future tense: general future tense subject + will or + be going to + object
General present tense: subject of general present tense + be verb is / are + object