Given the square of X + xy = 2 and the square of Y + xy = 5, what is the value of the square of 2x + 5xy + 3Y?

Given the square of X + xy = 2 and the square of Y + xy = 5, what is the value of the square of 2x + 5xy + 3Y?

Given that the square of X + xy = 2, the square of Y + xy = 5, 2 [the square of X + XY] = 2 · * 2, (1) 3 [the square of Y + XY] = 5 * 3, (2) (1) + (2), the square of 2x + 5xy + 3Y = 19

Calculate XY - {2 / 2x & # 178; - [3Y & # 178; - (2x + 3Y)] - 1}
When a = - 4, B = - 3, C = 1, find the value of the algebraic formula 3A & # 178; B - [2A & # 178; B - (2abc-a & # 178; c) - 4A & # 178; C] - ABC

Xy - {2 / 2x & # 178; - [3Y & # 178; - (2x + 3Y)] - 1}
=Xy - {2x-3y] - 1}
=Xy - {2x & # 178; - 3Y & # 178; + 2x + 3y-1}
=Xy-2x-3y + 1

If 2x-3 = 0 and | 3y-2 | = 0, then XY=______ .

By solving the equation 2x-3 = 0, we get x = 32. By | 3y-2 | = 0, we get 3y-2 = 0, and we get y = 23. | xy = 32 × 23 = 1

Let the plane curve C be a straight line segment from (1,1) to point (2,3), then the curve integral of coordinates is ∫ C 2xdx + (Y-X) dy=

The equation of the line segment where the two points are located is y = 2x - 1.dy = 2 DX
∫L 2x dx + (y - x) dy
= ∫(1→2) {2x + [(2x - 1) - x](2)} dx
= ∫(1→2) (4x - 2) dx
= [ 4(x²/2) - 2x ] |(1→2)
= [ 2(2)² - 2(2) ] - [ 2 - 2 ]
= 4

How to simplify the calculation of 199 + 1999 + 19999 + 3742-98
How to calculate?


Given that the median EF length of ABCD is 6 and the waist ad length is 5, what is the circumference of the isosceles trapezoid?
Thank you very much!

Because it is an isosceles trapezoid, the two waists are equal, and because the median line of the trapezoid is equal to half of the sum of the upper and lower bottoms, the sum of the upper and lower bottoms is 6 * 2 = 12
The perimeter of trapezoid is 5 * 2 + 6 * 2 = 22

Add operation symbols and brackets to the five formulas to make the equation hold
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 =0
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 =0.1
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 =1
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 =0


Let a be a real matrix and prove that the eigenvalues of a ^ TA are nonzero negative real numbers
dial the wrong number. It's a nonnegative real number.

For any nonzero real vector x, there is always
x^T(A^TA)x = (Ax)^T(Ax)>=0
The eigenvalues of real symmetric matrices are real numbers
So the eigenvalues of real symmetric matrix A ^ TA are all nonnegative real numbers

For a three digit number, the sum of the numbers above each number is equal to 24. What is the minimum and maximum of this number?

If you want to ask for the minimum number of decimal places, you must have the minimum number of hundred places, and the maximum sum of ten places and one place is 9 + 9 = 18, so the minimum number of hundred places is 6 and the minimum number of decimal places is 699
Find the maximum number, the maximum number of hundreds and tens, 9 + 9 = 18, so the number of digits is 6, and the maximum number is 996

Let a = {358,240,001}, B = {1021,0259,0030}, find the rank of matrix ab

A= 3 5 8
2 4 0
0 0 1
If a is a square matrix of order 3, | a | = 2 ≠ 0, and a is a nonsingular matrix, then the rank of AB R (AB) = R (b)
B= 1 0 2 1
0 2 5 9
0 0 3 0
B is a ladder matrix, and R (b) = 3