How to distinguish nonlinear function from linear function?

How to distinguish nonlinear function from linear function?

The function of y = a * x + B is linear
Well, I think so

The problem of quadratic function in Mathematics
It is known that the intersection of y = - (x-m) & sup2; + 1 axis of parabola is a and B (B is on the right side of a), and the intersection of Y axis and parabola is C
(1) When the area of △ ABC is 3 and the symmetry axis is on the right side of the Y axis, the coordinates of a and B are obtained
(2) When point B is on the right side of the origin and point C is below the origin, is there a case where △ BOC is an isosceles triangle? If so, find out the value of M; if not, explain the reason
(3) Under the premise of (1), the vertex of the parabola is m, the perpendicular line passing through the point m is the x-axis, and the perpendicular foot is h. is there a point n on the x-axis, so that △ MHQ is similar to △ AOC? If so, the coordinates of the N-point can be obtained; if not, please explain the reason

(1) Let - (x-m) & sup2; + 1 = O give:
X = m + 1 or M-1
The distance between a and B is: (M + 1) - (m-1) = 2
If AB is the base and the area is 3, then the distance from point C to the origin should be 3
=-X & sup2; + 2mx-m & sup2; + 1 is: X & sup2; + 2mx-m & sup2; + 1
Then 1-m & sup2; = 3 or - 3
M & sup2; = 4, so m = 2
m+1=3 m-1=1
Then the coordinates of a and B are a (1,0) B (3,0)
(2) Existence, M = 2
If B is on the right side of the origin and C is below the origin, then the axis of symmetry must be on the right side of the y-axis (M is greater than zero). In this case, B (M + 1,0), C (0,1-m & sup2;). If BOC is isosceles, ob = OC, that is, M + 1 = - (1-m & sup2;) (no other case)
The solution is m = 2, M = - 1 (rounding off)
(3) There are four n points on the x-axis, which makes the triangle MHN similar to the triangle AOC
Under the premise of (1), M = 2, the parabola is:
Y = - (X-2) & sup2; + 1, the vertex coordinate is m (2,1),
C (0, - 3), H (2,0). MH = 1
In the right triangle AOC, the right side Ao = 1, OC = 3
The ratio of the two right angles is 3 to 1
If the similarity is satisfied, MH = 1, HN = 1 / 3 or HN = 3. Therefore, the coordinates of N point are: (- 1,0) or (5,0) or (5 / 3,0) or (7 / 3,0)

How to draw secondary function image in junior high school?
But forget how to draw the secondary function of junior high school. Great Xia, help!

First list, then point, and finally connect
Note: 1. You can find the axis of symmetry x = - B / 2a and the opening direction first
a> 0 up, a

How to find arcsinx ^ 2DX

∫(arcsinx)² dx
=X (arcsinx) &# 178; - ∫ x D (arcsinx) &# 178;, the first step of the partial integration method
=... - ∫ x * 2 (arcsinx) * 1 / √ (1-x & # 178;) DX, the first and second step of the partial integration method
= ..- 2∫(x*arcsinx)/√(1-x²) dx
=... - 2 ∫ arcsinx d [- √ (1-x & # 178;)], the second step of partial integration method
=.. + 2 √ (1-x & # 178;) * arcsinx - 2 ∫ √ (1-x & # 178;) d (arcsinx), the second step of partial integration method
= ..-2∫√(1-x²)/√(1-x²) dx
= ..-2∫ dx
= ..-2x + C
= x(arcsinx)² + 2√(1-x²)*arcsinx - 2x + C

If the length of a rectangle is reduced by 6cm, it will just become a square, and the perimeter of the square is 28. Find the perimeter of the rectangle

=40 cm

What do I think of when I read about the ship in distress? What do I think of when I read about the captain directing people to escape******

When I read about the ship's distress, I thought of the imminent danger
When I read about the captain's command of people's escape, I thought of being fearless in the face of danger, calm and calm

Dy / DX = (X-Y + 4) / (x + 4y-1)

Let y = n + 1, x = M-3, then dy = DN, DX = DM be substituted into the original equation, then dn / DM = (m-n) / (M + 4N); (1) let t = n / m, then dn / DM = MDT / DM + t be substituted into equation (1), then MDT / DM = (1-4t ^ 2) / (1 + 4T) = = > DM / M = (1 + 4T) DT

Divide a large square into nine small squares (except nine palaces)
Nine palaces
It's a 3 * 3 lattice

There are two ways:
1. Divided into 3 * 3 grid (i.e. Jiugong grid)
2. Draw a small square in the large square (the distance from each side of the small square to each side of the large square is equal), draw a horizontal line to connect the middle points of the left and right sides of the large square, and draw a vertical line to connect the middle points of the upper and lower sides of the large square. The intersection of the two lines is in the middle of the small square and the large square
The nine small squares are: the cross divides the big square into four, the cross also divides the small square into four, the small square is also one, a total of nine

In the hall of the exhibition hall, there are eight cylindrical columns with the same shape. The perimeter of their bottom surface is 3.14 meters and the height is 6 meters. Paint the surface area of these columns with an average of 0.5 kg per square meter. How many kg of paint are needed?

Cylinder side area 3.14x6x8 = 150.72m2
Common paint? 0.5x150.72 = 75.36kg

How to apply the operation symbol of five nines to make the result equal to 17

(9 * 9-9) divided by 9 and 9 = 17