What is 1 / 2 times the square of E + lne

What is 1 / 2 times the square of E + lne

Equal to 1 / 4E ^ 2 + 1

What is e in lne?


Why ln (E &; 3x + 1 / E 3x + 1) = lne - 3x,

When using Taylor formula to calculate the limit, how to determine the order of Taylor formula to write the original function?
For example, how many Taylor's formulas can I write for the numerator and denominator?

Cosx-e ^ (x2) is the second order infinitesimal, SiNx ^ 2 is the second order infinitesimal, so the denominator is the fourth order infinitesimal, and the molecule also needs to expand to the fourth order
The original formula = LIM (x → 0) [(1 / 8) x ^ 4 + O (x ^ 4)] / {[1-x ^ 2 / 2 + O (x ^ 2)] - [1 + x ^ 2 + O (x ^ 2)]} SiNx ^ 2 = (1 / 8) / (- 3 / 2) = - 1 / 12

What is the significance of dividing the seismic grade of structure?

Knowing the seismic grade, we can know to take the corresponding seismic measures. The seismic structural measures change according to the seismic grade, and in the structural calculation, the seismic grade is not the same, and the calculation adjustment is not the same
Generally speaking, the seismic grade of building structure is determined according to the following information: the fortification intensity of the project location, the type of building structure, and the height of building structure

Acceleration Formula in Physics

The acceleration a can be calculated according to Newton's third law: a = f / M;
In kinematics, acceleration a is related to velocity and displacement: VT = V0 + at, s = V0 * t + 1 / 2at ^ 2, s = (VT ^ 2-v0 ^ 2) / (2a). According to these information, a can also be solved

The domain of F (x) = log2 (1 / 1-3 ^ x)

1 / 1-3 ^ x > 0, 1-3 ^ x > 0, 3 ^ x < 1, x < 0

37 42 43 45 40 36 39 43 45 46 44 32 36 39 38 41 37 43 45 43 41 40?

Except the repeats, the middle two numbers are 40.41, and the average of these two numbers is 40.5

The product of odd and even numbers must be even,

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The proposition is correct, because odd number × even number is equal to the sum of even number odd numbers, so the result must be even number

How to do 8-3 / 2-15 / 2-35 / 2-63 / 2-99 / 3-143 / 2-195 / 2-255 / 2!

=7 and 1 / 17