-1,2, - 4,8, - 16,32

-1,2, - 4,8, - 16,32

The last number is the previous number multiplied by - 2

Fill in the numbers according to the rules: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 (nth)

The nth is the N-1 power of 2, that is 2 ^ (n-1)

3 () 6 is a multiple of 3, what can be filled in () 56 () is a multiple of 3, and it is odd, what can be filled in ()
8 () 2 () is a multiple of 2, 3 and 5. What can be filled in the () of the hundreds

【1】 3 () 6 is a multiple of 3, () can be filled with 0, 3, 6, 9
Analysis of 3 + 6 = 9
【2】 56 () is a multiple of 3 and an odd number. 1 and 7 can be filled in ()
Analytic 5 + 6 = 11, and if it is odd
【3】 8 () 2 () is a multiple of 2, 3 and 5. You can fill in 2, 5 and 8 in the () of the hundreds
Analysis: because only 0,8 + 2 = 10 can be filled in the individual bit

It's a multiple of two and a multiple of three, 56 () 8


If angle 1 plus angle 2 equals 90 degrees, angle 2 plus angle 3 equals 90 degrees, then angle 1 equals 90 degrees_________
2. If a = B, then a plus or minus C is equal to________ .
3. If a is greater than B and B is greater than 0, then ab__________ .

Jiao San
B + C

If you add 11 to the numerator, you will get 1. If you add 4 to the denominator, you will get 4 out of 5

Let the fraction fly Y / X
Then: y + 11 / x = 1, x = y + 11
Y / x + 4 = 4 / 5 gives 4x + 16 = 5Y
It is concluded that: x = 71, y = 60

In order to solve the problem of students' drinking water, a middle school equipped each class with a water dispenser, as shown in Figure 11 is the working circuit diagram of this type of water dispenser. In the figure, R1 and R2 are the heating resistance, S1 is the automatic control switch, S2 is the power switch. When the water dispenser is in the heating state, the power consumption of the circuit is 500W; when the water dispenser is in the heat preservation state, the power consumption of the circuit is 500W, The power consumption of the circuit is 10W. The average daily heating and holding time of the water dispenser is 2H and 6h respectively
(1) Explain the relationship between the on and off of switch S1 and S2 and the working state of water dispenser
(2) Calculate the value of R1 and R2 in the circuit
(3) How much electricity does the water dispenser consume every day?

(1) S2 is the power switch, as long as it is turned on, the water dispenser must be working (heating or insulation), S1 is the temperature automatic control switch, when the power switch is turned on, the water to be heated does not reach the required temperature, and is in the heating state (power is 500W); when the water heated reaches the required temperature, the water dispenser will trip, and the water dispenser is in the

As the figure shows the V-T diagram of a particle motion, try to find the velocity of the particle at the end of 3S, 5S and 8s=______ ,V5=______ ,V8=______ .

If the acceleration in 0-4s is A1 = △ V △ t = 12 − 64 = 1.5m/s2, then the velocity at the end of 3S is V3 = V0 + a1t = 6 + 1.5 × 3 = 10.5m/s; if the BC section moves in a straight line with uniform velocity, it can be seen that the velocity at the end of 5S is 12m / S; if the acceleration in CD section is A2 = △ V △ t = 0 − 1212 − 6 = - 2m / S2, then the velocity at the end of 8s is V8 = VC + a2t = 12-2 × 2 = 8m / S; so the answer is: 10.5m/s; 12m / S; 8m / s

In the international system of units (SI), what are the three basic physical quantities of mechanics? What are the basic units and symbols?

Mass, basic unit kg, symbol kg
Length, basic unit meter, symbol M
Time, in seconds, sign s

A light spring with stiffness coefficient K is suspended vertically, and a small object with mass m is hung under the light spring. After the small object is stationary, it is pulled down vertically
The vibration of the small body is simple harmonic motion

Let y = y (T) be the functional relation between the displacement and time of an object, then there is MD ^ 2Y / DX ^ 2 = mg KX, MD ^ 2Y / DX ^ 2 + KX = Mg (1). This is a second order non-homogeneous differential equation with constant coefficients. The solution of the characteristic equation of homogeneous equation MD ^ 2Y / DX ^ 2 + KX = 0 is ± √ (K / M). The solution of homogeneous equation MD ^ 2Y / DX ^ 2 + KX = 0 is y = c1cos √ (k