The product of the numerator and denominator of a minimalist fraction is 56. The minimalist fraction is 56______ .

The product of the numerator and denominator of a minimalist fraction is 56. The minimalist fraction is 56______ .

Because 56 = 1 × 56 = 2 × 28 = 4 × 14 = 7 × 8, among these factors, 1 and 56 are coprime, 7 and 8 are coprime, so the product of this molecular denominator is the simplest true fraction of 56, which is 156 or 78

The product of the numerator and denominator of a minimalist fraction is 56. The minimalist fraction is 56______ .

Because 56 = 1 × 56 = 2 × 28 = 4 × 14 = 7 × 8, among these factors, 1 and 56 are coprime, 7 and 8 are coprime, so the product of this molecular denominator is the simplest true fraction of 56, which is 156 or 78

If the simplest fraction is expanded by five times of its large molecule and six times of its denominator, it will get 5 / 8. What is the fraction?

Let the original fraction be x / y, then 5x / 6y = 5 / 8, and the reduced X / y = 3 / 4, that is, the original fraction is 3 / 4

A 2-meter-long straight cylinder wood is cut horizontally by 2 decimeters. Compared with the original, the surface area of the remaining cylinder wood is reduced by 12.56 square decimeters. The original bottom area of the cylinder wood is () square decimeters, and the volume is () cubic decimeters

2 m = 20 decimeters
Bottom perimeter = 12.56 △ 2 = 6.28 decimeters
Bottom radius = 6.28 △ 3.14 △ 2 = 1 decimeter
Bottom area = 3.14 × 1 × 1 = 3.14 square decimeters
Volume = 3.14 × 20 = 62.8 cubic decimeter

It is known that a = B × 45 = C × 75% = D / 56 = E / 65 (a ≠ 0)______ .

Let a = B × 45 = C × 75% = D / 56 = e / 65 (a ≠ 0) = 1, then a = 1, B = 54, C = 43, d = 65, e = 56, 56 < 1 < 65 < 54 < 43, so e < a < D < B < C

1. Simplification [(P ^ 4) / 16] ^ 0.75
2. A is the matrix of (2 * 4), B is the matrix of (3 * 2), and C is the matrix of (1 * 3)
(1) Which of the following combinations can be calculated (2)
(2)find the inverse of (0.5 0.75
0.125 0.25)
(3)explain why (4 2
6 3)does not have a invese
Just answer in Chinese

2. It seems that the matrix is in the College Advanced Mathematics

A school seven (8) class mathematics examination results are as follows: 100 points 7 people, 90 points 5 people, 80 points 8 people, 70 points 6 people, 60 points 2 people, 50 points 2, calculate the average score of the whole class


X-Y = 5, xy = 11 / 4 for x + y

Because (x + y) ² = x & #178; + 2XY + Y & #178; (1)
(1) 2
So (x + y) ² - 25 = 4 * 11 / 4, that is (x + y) ² = 36
So x + y = 6 or x + y = - 6

8 times of a number is 21.6 times more than 5 times of it. Find this number and calculate it by equation


Problem 1: decomposition factor: X (B + C-D) - Y (d-b-c) - 2C + 2d-2b
The second problem is to simplify Polynomials: 1 + X + X (1 + x) + X (1 + x) ^ 2 + +x(1+x)^2008
The third problem is to decompose the factor first, and then calculate and evaluate: (1) 4x (m-2) - 3x (m-2), where x = 1.5, M = 6;
(2) (A-2) ^ 2-6 (2-A) where a = - 2
(I'm not good at math. I'd like a master to teach me

2、1+x+x(1+x)+x(1+x)^2+…… +x(1+x)^2008
=(1+x)+x(1+x)+x(1+x)^2+…… +X (1 + x) ^ 2008 1 + X
=(1+x){1+x+x(1+x)+x(1+x)^2+…… +X (1 + x) ^ 2007
=(1+x)^2{1+x+x(1+x)+x(1+x)^2+…… +x(1+x)^2006 }
(a-2)^2-6(2-a)= (a-2)^2+6(a-2)= (a-2)(a-2+6)=