For a true fraction, the least common multiple of the numerator and denominator is 56. The numerator and denominator are coprime numbers. If the numerator plus 1, the fractional value is equal to 1 How many?

For a true fraction, the least common multiple of the numerator and denominator is 56. The numerator and denominator are coprime numbers. If the numerator plus 1, the fractional value is equal to 1 How many?

Because the numerator denominator is coprime and a true fraction, then only two numbers can be multiplied by 56 (if it is not 56, then the ratio is a multiple of 56, and because the least common multiple of two numbers is 56, then they are not true fractions). Because two coprime numbers can only be (1,56); (7,8) two groups of numbers can be satisfied. Since the addition of one to one is 1, then the fraction is 7 / 8
————I hope you can adopt it————————

21 degrees 38 points + 69 degrees 41 points=

60 degrees a minute, so add it up to 91 degrees 19 minutes

The school organizes tree planting activities. It is known that there are 27 trees planted in place a and 18 trees planted in place B. if the number of trees planted in place a is twice that of place B, how many people need to be transferred from place B to place a?

According to the meaning of the question, we get 27 + x = 2 (18-x), and the solution is x = 3

Please write a polynomial with the letter X (at least 3 terms), so that no matter what the value of the letter X is, the value of the polynomial will not be less than 2010; then write an algebraic formula with the letter X, so that no matter what the value of the letter X is, the value of the algebraic formula will always be negative. Finally, find the sum of the two polynomials you write
Note: it's a trinomial!

X ^ 2-2x + 2011 - x ^ 2 + 2x-2 and 2009

On Sunday, Xiao Ming and seven classmates, a total of 8 people, went on an outing. On the way, he spent 20 yuan to buy drinks. The store only had coke and milk tea. It is known that coke costs 2 yuan a cup and milk tea costs 3 yuan a cup. If 20 yuan is just used up
(1) How many ways to buy? How many cups of cola and milk tea each?
(2) When each person has at least one drink and at least two milk teas, how many ways to buy them?
Inequality system solution inequality system solution inequality system solution inequality system solution inequality system solution inequality system solution inequality system solution inequality system solution inequality system solution inequality system solution inequality system solution inequality system solution inequality system solution inequality system solution inequality system solution inequality system solution inequality system solution inequality system solution inequality system solution
Do not mix up the solutions of the system of inequalities with one variable

(1) Milk tea x cups, cola (20-3x) / 2 cups
There are four ways: 0 cup of milk tea, 10 cups of coke, 2 cups of milk tea, 7 cups of coke, 4 cups of milk tea, 4 cups of coke, 6 cups of milk tea and 1 cup of coke
(2) (20-3x)/2 +x≥8 20-3x+2x≥16 -x≥-4 x≤4
And because x ≥ 2, X may be 2,3,4
When x = 2, there are 7 cokes
X = 3, 5.5 cups of coke, can't just spend 20 yuan
When x = 4, there are 4 cups of coke
There are two ways to buy

How can the square of x plus x minus 2 be simplified?


The distance between a and B is 468 km. The passenger train from a city to B city is 48 km per hour. One hour after the passenger train leaves, the speed of the freight train is 36 km per hour

The bus runs 48 × 1 = 48 km per hour
After departure: (468-48) / (48 + 36) = 420 / 84 = 5 hours

It is known that the three sides of △ ABC are ABC, and the equation 4x + 4 Г ax + 2b-c = 0
There are two equal real roots, and a, B, C satisfy 3a-2c = B
(1) prove that △ ABC is an equilateral triangle;
(2) if a and B are two of the square of the equation x - 2kx + (- 2K = 3) = 0, find the value of K

The equation of X is 4x ^ 2 + 4 × radical a × x + 2b-c = 0? It is proved that the discriminant △ = (4 radical a) ^ 2-4 * 4 * (2b-c) = 0 leads to a + C = 2B and ∵ 3a-2c = B. the simultaneous solution of a = b = C ∵ ABC is equilateral triangle (2) ∵ a = B, ∵ a, B is two solutions of the equation x ^ 2-2kx + (- 2K + 3) = 0 ∵ = (- 2K) ^ 2-4 (- 2K + 3) = 0

A. B is 300 km away from the two places. A and B drive from a to B at the same time. When a is 40 km away from B, B is 50 km away from B. when a is 40 km away from B, B is 50 km away from B
How many kilometers does vehicle B travel to reach B when it reaches B? (the speed of the two vehicles remains unchanged)

What's the speed ratio between a and B
When a completes the remaining 40 kilometers, B can
40 △ 26 × 25 = 500 / 13 (km) = 38 and 6 / 13 (km)
B is still OK
50-38 6 / 13 = 11 7 / 13 (km)

The equation 2x - one-third = - one-third x + 2 multiplied by 3 is

6x-1 = - x + 6 gives x = 1