It is known that 3x-4 of (x-1) (X-2) is equal to a of X-1 + B of X-2 to find integers a and B

It is known that 3x-4 of (x-1) (X-2) is equal to a of X-1 + B of X-2 to find integers a and B

Because a (X-2) + B (x-1) = 3x-4
So a + B = 3, 2A + B = 4

What is 3-2 X-1 = 3x-1


How much is 3 out of 4 x equal to 4

3 / 4 x = 4
X = 4 △ 3 / 4
X = 4 × 4 / 3
X = 16 / 3

There is a batch of goods in the warehouse, and the weight ratio of the removed goods to the remaining goods is 2:7
So the remaining goods are only 1 / 9 of the original goods in the warehouse. How many tons of the original goods in the warehouse?

1.2 + 7 = 9 64 ÷ (7 / 9-1 / 9) 2
=64÷2/3 2+7=9 7/9X-1/9X=64
=96 (ton) 2 / 3x = 64
Answer: the original goods in the warehouse are 96 tons
Wrong, don't blame me!

It is known that the solution set of the inequality kx-2 > 0 (k is not equal to 0) about X is x < - 3, then the intersection of the line y = - K + 2 and the X axis is X

Divide both sides by K
The solution set is x < - 3
SO 2 / k = - 3
So y = 2x / 3 + 2
If y = 0, then x = - 3
So it's (- 3,0)

Application problem (quadratic equation of two variables)
Xiaoming's mother bought back 3kg radish and 2kg spareribs in the vegetable market. Her mother said, "it cost 90 yuan to buy these two dishes today, but only 72 yuan to buy the same weight of these two dishes last month." her father said, "the newspaper said that the unit price of radish has increased by 50%, and that of spareribs has increased by 20%". Xiaoming wanted to know what the unit price of radish and spareribs is, Please find the unit price (unit: yuan / kg) of radish and spareribs on this day through the equations (Group)

Let the unit price of radish last month be x and that of spareribs last month be y
List the equations
The solution is x = 4, y = 30
Today's radish: 4 × 1.5 = 6 yuan / kg
Today's ribs: 30 × 1.2 = 36 yuan / kg

A triangular vegetable field is twice as big as the bottom, with an average of 14 cabbages per cubic meter. How many cabbages can be planted in this field?

Bottom: 18 △ 2 = 9m
The area of this land: 18 × 9 △ 2 = 81 square meters
81 × 14 = 1134
I wish you progress in learning, hope to adopt, thank you_ ∩)O~

What is 1 times 0?
I heard that multiplication is meaningless. What do you think?

1 times 0 equals 0
Any number multiplied by zero equals zero

Xinhua bookstore has a batch of new books, which sell 1 / 4 of the total in the morning and 3 / 7 of the total in the afternoon. There are 180 books left. How many books are there in total

180 ÷ [1 - (1 / 4 + 3 / 7)] = 560 copies
Take the total as unit 1, sell 1 / 4 in the morning and 3 / 7 in the afternoon, and the rest should be 1 - (1 / 4 + 3 / 7)
Then divide the remaining actual quantity by its proportion to the total quantity, which is the total quantity

In ancient China, ten, twenty, thirty and even one hundred years old were called what?

The following are the appellations of different ages in ancient times: chizi: a newborn baby. Kong yingdashu said: "Zisheng is red, so it's called chizi." swaddling: also known as "swaddling Bao" and "Qiangbao", which originally refers to the quilt and belt wrapping the baby, "Children" refers to children under the age of two or three years old. Mencius wholeheartedly: "children of childhood." Zhao Qi notes: "children, between two or three years old, when they are in their infancy, they know how to laugh and can be lifted." also known as "children's embrace.", In ancient times, a child without a crown had drooping hair, so "Chuihu" was used to refer to childhood or children. Tao Qian's "Peach Blossom Land" said: "yellow hair drooping, and happy." (x0d6) preschool education: ten years old. The book of rites qulishi said: "ten years of life is called childhood and learning." Zheng Xuan's note: "it's called childhood, Later, it was called "the year of early learning" because of later reasons. Zongjiao: refers to children aged from eight to nine to thirteen. The book of Rites: Fengfeng, Zongjiao. Zheng Xuan's note: "Zongjiao, send and receive." later, it was called "Zongjiao" because of later reasons. Cardamom: originally the name of plant, it refers to a girl aged thirteen or fourteen, In the book of rites, it is said that "women have hairpins for five years in ten years." hair binding: men are 15 years old. In ancient times, when boys grew up, their hair was tied in a bun, because they thought it was a substitute for children. In the book of rites, it was said that "hair binding is a good way to study art, In ancient times, literati broke the word "Gua" into two or eight characters to record the age of 16. In poetry, it is mostly used for women. Weak crown: a man is 20 years old. In the book of rites, it says "weak, crown." in ancient times, a man was crowned at the age of 20, Therefore, it is used to refer to a man's age of about 20 years old. Er Li: 30 years old. The Analects of Confucius for politics: 30 years old. Later, 30 years old is called Er Li year. Bu Huo: 40 years old. The Analects of Confucius for politics: 40 years old but not confused. Later, it is used as a substitute for 40 years old Zhiming: fifty years old. The Analects of Confucius for politics: "fifty and knowing the destiny of heaven." it means that people didn't know the destiny of heaven until they were fifty years old. Later generations took Zhiming as the pronoun of fifty years old. Ershun: sixty years old. The Analects of Confucius for Politics: "sixty and Ershun." He Yan quoted Zheng Xuan as saying: "I heard his words, In Qujiang, Du Fu said, "wine debt is common, life is rare in 70 years old." later, he used "Gushi" as the name of 70 years old. Lao: 70 to 80 years old. Mao's biography: "Lao, Lao. 80 is Lao." in the ninth year of Duke Fu, Zuo's biography: "Uncle Lao, Jia Lao, you will be given a grade, In the book of rites, it is said that "eighty or ninety is the age of eighty." in the book of rites, it is said that "eighty or ninety is the age of eighty." in the book of rites, it is said that "one hundred years is the age of one hundred." in the book of rites, it is said that "one hundred years is the age of one hundred."