If no matter what value x takes, x ^ 3-3x ^ 2-5x-1 is equal to formula (x + 1) (x ^ 2 + ax + b), find the values of a and B I feel dizzy. Please help me. I'd better be more detailed. Thank you``

If no matter what value x takes, x ^ 3-3x ^ 2-5x-1 is equal to formula (x + 1) (x ^ 2 + ax + b), find the values of a and B I feel dizzy. Please help me. I'd better be more detailed. Thank you``

When x takes what value, the value of formula 3x + 1 is smaller than that of formula 5x-5 / 2?

The value of formula 3x + 1 is smaller than that of formula 5x-5 / 2
Then 3x + 12 / 2 + 5 / 2
So when x > 7 / 4, the value of formula 3x + 1 is smaller than that of formula 5x-5 / 2

To solve two practical problems, we need to analyze and calculate,
1. A and B start from station a and station B and run in opposite directions. The first time they meet is 32 kilometers away from station A. after meeting, they continue to move forward and return immediately after arriving at station B and station a. the second time they meet is 64 kilometers away from station A. how many kilometers are there between the two places?
2. For a project, team a will complete it in 10 days and team B will complete it in 15 days. Now team a will do it for several days, and then team B will continue to do it for 13 days?
3. There is a wire, which is 4 meters more than 1 / 3 of the total length used by the electrician. At this time, the remaining wire is 10 meters more than the one used. How many meters is the original wire?
What everyone said is hard to understand

1. For a job, it takes 8 days for Party A to do it alone, and 10 days for Party B to do it alone. Now the two work together, and Party A asks for a day off in the middle of the work. How many days does it take to complete the job?
2. Party A and Party B process the same number of parts, Party A needs 12 hours to complete, and Party B needs 15 hours to complete. Now Party A and Party B process at the same time. When Party A completes the task, he doesn't have a rest and continues to help Party B process. When both of them complete the task, how many hours did it take? 1. Set X days for the work
Because a alone to do 8 days to complete, then complete 1 / 8 every day
Because B alone to do 10 days to complete, then every day to complete 1 / 10
Equation: (1 / 8) * (x-1) + 1 / 10 * (x) = 1
The solution is x = 5
2. Because a needs 12 hours to complete, 1 / 12 every hour
Because Party B needs 15 hours to complete, it will complete 1 / 15 every hour
When a is finished, B has 3 hours left and 3 / 15 of the work left
Equation: (1 / 12 + 1 / 15) * (x) = 3 / 15
The solution is x = 1 and 1 / 3
1 and 1 / 3 + 12 = 13 and 1 / 3 hours. I'll give you a few more: 1. For a project, team a needs 25 hours to do it alone. If team a works for 3 days first and then cooperates with team B to complete it in 11 days, how many days will team B complete it alone?
2. It takes 20 days for Party A and Party B to work together on a batch of parts. Party A makes 1 / 9 more parts than Party B. how many days does it take for Party A to work alone?
3. For a project, team a and team B need 10 days to complete. Team a and team B cooperated for several days. Because team B had to be transferred, team a worked for another 8 days and knew that team a needed 20 days to complete it alone. How many days did team a and team B work together?
4. The master and the apprentice worked together to make a batch of parts and completed 1 / 3 of the task in 3 hours. The master left for some reason, and the apprentice finished it in 18 hours alone. How many hours does it take for the master to complete the task alone?
5. It takes 15 days for the master to complete a batch of parts, and the time for the apprentice is three times that of the master. If the apprentice completes 1 / 5 of the workload first, and then the apprentice cooperates, how many days will it take at least to complete this batch of parts?
1. It takes 25 hours for team a to do it alone. It should be 25 days here. Team a did 3 + 11 = 14 (days), and team B did 11 days. Team a did 14 / 25 of the project, team B did 1-14 / 25 = 11 / 25, and team B did 11 △ 11 / 25 = 25 (days)
2. A did (1-1 / 9) △ 2 + 1 / 9 = 5 / 9, 20 △ 5 / 9 = 36 (days) in 20 days
3. 8 / 20 of the total project is 2 / 5 in 8 days after Party A's completion, 1-2 / 5 of Party A's completion is 3 / 5, and the number of days of Party A and Party B's completion is equal to 2 / 5
10 × 3 / 5 = 6 (days)
4. The apprentice completed 1-1 / 3 = 2 / 3 in 18 hours, 2 / 3 △ 18 = 1 / 27 per hour, the apprentice 18 + 3 = 21 (hours), 21 × 1 / 27 = 7 / 9 in total, the master did 1-7 / 9 = 2 / 9 in 3 hours, and the master did 3 △ 2 / 9 = 13.5 (days)
5. It takes 15 × 3 = 45 (days) for an apprentice to do it. It takes 45 × 1 / 5 = 9 (days) for an apprentice to do 1 / 5 of the work. The apprentice cooperates with the apprentice
To (1-1 / 5) / (1 / 15 + 1 / 45) = 4 / 5 / 4 / 45 = 9 (days), at least 9 + 9 = 18 (days)

How many meters is the perimeter of an acre of land, not how many square meters

The area of one mu is equal to 667 square meters. If it is square, the perimeter is about 103 meters

Answers to supplementary exercises 61-62 in Volume 1 of Junior High School of Jiangsu Education Press

There is a classmate who doesn't know where to get it, the teacher said it, all right, some & nbsp; = can't see clearly

In a subtraction formula, the sum of the subtracted, subtracted and difference is 120, and the subtraction is three times the difference. What is the difference,

Because the subtracted + subtracted + difference = 120
Subtraction + difference = subtracted, so the subtracted = half of 120 is 60
Because subtraction equals difference, the difference is 30 (30 + 30 = 60)

How to calculate the square of stainless steel door

There are several algorithms: 1. According to the width * height of the door; 2. According to the expanded area of stainless steel; 3. According to the price of a door

Simple mathematics geometry problem in grade one of junior high school
It is known that starting from point a, we walk 50 meters in the direction of 30 degrees north by east to reach point B, and B starts from point a and walks 80 meters in the direction of 35 degrees south by west to reach point C. We try to find the degree of the smallest angle formed by AB and AC

It is known that starting from point a, we walk 50 meters in the direction of 30 degrees north by east to reach point B, and B starts from point a and walks 80 meters in the direction of 35 degrees south by west to reach point C. We try to find the degree of the smallest angle formed by AB and AC
The minimum angle is 180-35 + 30 = 175 degrees

1 equals 5, 2 equals 7, 13 equals how much?
A classmate told me how to calculate that 13 equals 21

The rule is, multiply the previous number by two and add three

The scenery in my heart
Don't write scenery

A scenery in my heart, a scenery in my heart, is a beautiful child of nature. Feeling people's inner world, it is a rural scenery, simple but not luxurious, that is generous and noble. In the morning, the sun just showed its beautiful posture, her light, gentle but not fierce. And people? Get up early to make breakfast