If logb (a * * 2) = 3, calculate loga (b * * 2) =? B and a at the back of log are all small. Because you can't type below, you can only write like that

If logb (a * * 2) = 3, calculate loga (b * * 2) =? B and a at the back of log are all small. Because you can't type below, you can only write like that

**Is 2 square?
Bottom changing formula

How to draw the image of the function y = 1 / x-ax
Wrong number. It's a graph of X / (1-ax)

After simplification, y = 1 / x-a, the image is as follows, a is greater than 0 or less than 0

If the distance between a and B is equal to 3, then the value of X is

The value of X is - 5 or 1

Probability density joint density edge density edge distribution
Probability theory is so complicated. Can you help me understand the relationship and transformation between probability density function, joint density function, marginal density function and marginal distribution function?

F (x), f (x, y) probability density function: the constant probability is p (x)

Suppose y = sqrt (x) when x > = 0 and y = sqrt (x) when x > = 0

The following is the whole process
%Ffun. M file name
%There are many ways to realize the program
function f=ffun(x)

What are 2,1,2,3,2,4,5,6, B, 7,8,9,2b

It should be 2

As shown in Figure 2-3, the height of the bottom edge BC of the parallelogram ABCD is 6cm. When the edge DC is shifted to the right, the area of the parallelogram changes
① In this process of change, the independent variable and the dependent variable are independent variables_________ ;
② If the length of the base is x (CM), the area of the parallelogram y () can be expressed as________ ;
③ When the bottom edge increases from 12cm to 20cm, the area increases_____ .

First of all, Tule!
I don't do it according to the picture

The length of the bottom BC is the independent variable (changing itself), and the area is the dependent variable (the area changes because BC is changing)


Of course, it's a question to fill in the blanks. Just fill in the answers,

It is known that there is an intersection point between the image of the first-order function y = 2x-k and the image of the inverse scale function y = K + 8 / X. the ordinate is - 4... To find the inverse scale function

There are two ways to solve this problem: 1. You can write the answer directly, because y = K + 8 / X is an inverse proportion function, according to y = K / x, you can get k = 0 directly;
2: When y = - 4, 2x-k = - 4,8 / x + k = - 4;
So x = (K-4) / 2, x = 8 / (- 4-K);
So (K-4) / 2 = 8 / (- 4-K);
So k = 0

It is known that the minimum value of quadratic function f (x) is 1, and f (0) = f (2) = 3
(1) Find the analytic expression of F (x)
(2) If f (x) is monotone in the interval [2a, a + 1], find the value range of real number a
(3) In the interval [- 1,1], the image of y = f (x) is always above the image of y = 2x + 2m + 1. Try to determine the value range of real number M

∵ f (x) is a quadratic function, f (0) = f (2) = 3 ∵ the axis of symmetry is x = (0 + 2) / 2 = 1 ∵ the minimum value of quadratic function f (x) is 1 ∵ Let f (x) = a (x-1) & # 178; + 1, a > 0 ∵ f (0) = 3 ∵ a + 1 = 3, a = 2 ∵ f (x) = 2 (x-1) & ∵ 178; + 1 = 2x & # 178; - 4x + 3 (2) f (x) is not monotone in the interval [2a, a + 1]

A waist of an isosceles right triangle is 3 decimeters long. How many square decimeters is the area of this triangle
