1 / 2, 3 / 4, 5 / 8

1 / 2, 3 / 4, 5 / 8

The least common multiple should be calculated in general division
The least common multiple is 8
So 1 / 2 = 1 * 4 / 2 * 4 = 4 / 8

General division: (x + 4) / (x ^ 2-8x + 15), (x + 5) / (x ^ 2 + X-12) and (x-3) / (x ^ 2-x-20)
General division: (x + 4) / (x ^ 2-8x + 15), (x + 5) / (x ^ 2 + X-12) and (x-3) / (x ^ 2-x-20)
Approximately: (9a ^ 2 + 24ab + 16b ^ 2) / (3a + 4b)

1. (x + 4) / (x-3) (X-5); (x + 5) / (x + 4) (x-3); (x-3) / (X-5) (x + 4); general score: 1
(x+4)^2/(x-3)(x+4)(x-5) ; ;(x^2-25)/(x+4)(x-3)(x-5);(x-3)^2/(x-3)(x+4)(x-5)

General score: 1 / a-4,5 / 4a-a ^ 2


For the formula y = 3 (X-2) ^ + 5, when x = (), y has a minimum value ()

Only in the range of rational numbers: when x = - 3, there is a minimum value of 5
When y = - 1, there is a maximum of 7
It's different when it comes to irrational numbers
When x = I-3, the value is 4
When y = I-1, the value is 8

2 Olympic Games multiplied by 3 is equal to Olympic Games 2. How many Chinese characters are equal to

The numbers represented by the Chinese characters "Olympic Games" are 8, 5, 7, 1 and 4 respectively

There are 30 factorization problems, 30 simplification problems, 30 inequality problems, 30 binary linear equations and 30 integral multiplication problems,
Write as much as you can

Spend 5 to 10 yuan to buy one at the local bookstore (or next to the school)
Mathematics tutoring materials of grade two (moderate difficulty, study hard in winter vacation)

The weight of a bottle of alcohol is 700g when half of it is used, and 800g when 13 of it is used

700 - (800-700) △ 12-13) × 12 = 700-100 △ 16 × 12, = 700-600 × 12, = 700-300, = 400 (g). A: the weight of the bottle is 400 G

7 out of 12, 6 out of 15 and 4 out of 27, 7 out of 12 and 6 out of 27, 1 out of 12, 7 out of 15 and 1 out of 18
7 / 16, 5 / 24 and 7 / 18, 5 / 12, 7 / 16 and 5 / 18 are urgent

7 in 12, 6 in 15 and 4 in 27, 315540 in 315540 in 216540 in 80
2 out of 10, 7 out of 12 and 6 out of 27, 108540 out of 540, 315540 out of 120
1 in 12, 7 in 15 and 1 in 18, 1 in 180, 15 in 180, 84 in 180, 10 in 180
7.24 out of 16 and 7 out of 18, 81 out of 144, 30 out of 144, 64 out of 144
5 out of 12, 7 out of 16 and 5 out of 18, 60144 out of 144, 63144 out of 40

Seven thirds times () = nine times () = four fifths divided by () = a times () O (a is not a natural number of O)

7 / 3 times 3 / 7 = 9 times 1 / 9 = 4 / 5 divided by 4 / 5

A = {x | x = 3k, K belongs to natural number}, B = {x | x is a divisor of 8} the relationship between the two sets?
