How about 4 [x -] & #178; - 9 [x + 1] & #178; = 0

How about 4 [x -] & #178; - 9 [x + 1] & #178; = 0

9(X-2)2 -16(X +1)2 = 0
[3(X-2)] 2 - [4(X +1)] 2 = 0
(3X-6 2)2 - (4×4)2 = 0
[(3×1-6)+(4×4)] [(3×1-6) - (4×4)] = 0
(7X- 2)(-X-10)= 0
Then: 7 times - 2 = 0 or - X-10 = 0
The result is: x = 2 / 7 or x = - 10

A & # 178; (m-n) + B & # 178; (n-m) for help,


(A & # 178; + B & # 178;) (C & # 178; + D & # 178;) is expressed as M & # 178; + n & # 178;)

(a; (; (; (a) \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\d-2abcd + b-178; c-178;) = (AC + BD) & 178; + (AD BC) & 178; or

Mathematical problems about log
If you can,
I need the calculation process

Because 2 & ordm; = 1 (2) log2 (x) + log2 (y) = log2 (XY) (3) log2 (x) = log2 & sup2; (X & sup2;) similarly, log4 (x) = log2 (√ x) (4) 2log5 (x) = log5 (X & sup2;) can replace 2 with 1 / 3 ① log2 (2x + 3) = 02

Calculate 1 / 2 + (1 / 3 + 2 / 3) + (1 / 4 + 2 / 4 + 3 / 4) +... + (1 / 40 + 2 / 40 +... + 39 / 40)

1/n+2/n+…… +(n-1)/n
=[1+2+…… +(n-1)]/n
=(2-1)/2+(3-1)/2+…… +(40-1)/2
=(1+2+…… +39)/2

The sum of three consecutive even numbers is 30. Find three even numbers (by equation)

Let the smallest even number be x, then the other two numbers are x + 2 and X + 4, so x + X + 2 + X + 4 = 30 and x = 8

If the logarithm of ㏒ base 3 with 5 = A and the logarithm of ㏒ base 4 with 5 = B, then ㏒ base 12 with 25

㏒ logarithm of 12 with base 25
=1/2 log5 3 +1/2 log5 4

Party A and Party B face each other from a and B, and the speed ratio is 7:4. After the first meeting, they continue to move forward and return to the destination immediately. On the way, they meet for the second time. The second meeting is 10 meters away from A. how far is the distance between the two places?

A: the distance between the two places is 110 meters

Given that a = - x square - 2mx + 3x + 1, B = 2x square + MX-1, and the value of 2A plus B is independent of X, the value of M can be obtained

It has nothing to do with X
That is, M = 2

The expressions of F (0) f (1) f (2) and range f (2x + 1) are obtained when the function f (x) = 1 / (X & # 178; + 1) is known
Given the function f (x) = 1 / (X & # 178; + 1), find the sum and range of F (0) f (1) f (2)
The expression of F (2x + 1)

f(0)=1/1=1,f(1)=1/(1+1)=1/2 ,f(2)=1/(4+1)=1/5
Because x ^ 2 + 1 > = 1, there is 0