The distance between a and B is 720 kilometers. A bus and a freight car start from a and B at the same time and run in opposite directions. The bus is 100 kilometers per hour and the freight car is 80 kilometers per hour

The distance between a and B is 720 kilometers. A bus and a freight car start from a and B at the same time and run in opposite directions. The bus is 100 kilometers per hour and the freight car is 80 kilometers per hour

720 (100 + 80) = 4 (hours) two cars meet

Stone price calculation formula, according to the price of large plate to calculate the price of finished products

Hehe, this is very simple. This is calculated according to the winning rate. Take the golden corn yellow upstairs as an example. One square meter is 270 yuan. For a piece of Osaka, we take the normal size (2.4 meters wide and 2.8 meters long). Then this wool board is 6.72 square meters. 6.72 flat x 270 yuan = 1814 yuan. Now it depends on what size you cut, for example

Write out the process

= x^(3*2)x^3-27x^(3*3)+25x^2x^7

Three 5DM long cylinders with equal bottom area are put together to form a large cylinder. The surface area is reduced by 12.56 square decimeters. What is the volume of the large cylinder?

The height of the combined cylinder is 5 × 3 = 15 decimeters
After the merger, four bottom areas were reduced, i.e
1. Radius of reduced surface area = 12.56 △ 4 △ 3.14 △ 2 = 0.5 (decimeter)
2. Bottom area = 3.14 × 0.5 ^ 2 = 0.785 (square decimeter)
3. Volume of cylinder = 0.785 × 15 = 11.775 (cubic decimeter)

Fill in the eight numbers in the small circle so that the sum of the five numbers in each large circle is equal to 23

It's two big circles. Do two small circles at the intersection share it?
If so, fill in the two shared circles with the sum of 10, and the rest will be OK
Because the sum of 1 to 8 is 36, and the sum of the two major circles is 46. The extra 10 is the sum of the shared small circles

In the triangle ABC, a: B: C = 1:2: root 6, then the cosine value of the largest angle

If the big side knows the root of the big angle, 6 has the largest angle. Directly using the cosine theorem, we can get cosa = (1 ^ 2 + 2 ^ 2-6) / (2 * 1 * 2) = - 1 / 4

What is the mode of five people with 100 points, five people with 95 points, five people with 90 points, five people with 85 points, five people with 80 points, five people with 75 points and four people with 70 points?

The mode is: 100, 95, 90, 85, 80, 75

X > 0, Y > 0, x + y = 8, XY max

Because the square has the largest area, 8 △ 2 = 4 × 4 = 16

9 minus 29:14 minus 3 and 29:15 is equal to?

9 minus 29:14 minus 3 and 29:15

Given the inverse scale function y = (M-3) XM2 − 6m + 7, when x > 0, y decreases with the decrease of X, then M=______ .

Because the inverse scale function y = (M-3) XM2 − 6m + 7, when x > 0, y decreases with the decrease of X, then M2 − 6m + 7 = − 1m − 3 < 0, the solution is m = 2