Is the following formula distorted? If not, how to correct it? Change the formula x = A-B / AB (1 + ax is not equal to 0) to form a known x, a, B

Is the following formula distorted? If not, how to correct it? Change the formula x = A-B / AB (1 + ax is not equal to 0) to form a known x, a, B


In △ ABC, if a / b = CoSb / cosa, then △ ABC is isosceles or right triangle
I calculated 2A = 2B,
Then the correct answer is a = B, where a = B or 2A + 2B = 180 degrees
So can I get a = B or a + B = 180
If a = B, then a + B = 180 ° or a = B
What's wrong with me?

Ψ 2A = 2B or 2A + 2B = 180 ° [2a and 2b are equal or complementary]
A = B or a + B = 90 & # 186;
The ABC is an isosceles or right triangle
I don't know where you scored

For a story book, Xiao Xiao read more than one third of the whole book on the first day, less than one page on the second day, and there are still 10 pages left
How many pages is the story book?

Let there be x pages in the book, then 1 / 3x + 2 + 1 / 2x-1 + 10 = x, and x = 66

Find the value of (A-1) (2a-1) - (a + 1) & # - 178; - 5A = 7
If the real number a satisfies a & # 178; - 2A + 1 = 0, then 2A & # 178; - 4A + 5 = 0______

If the real number a satisfies a & # 178; - 2A + 1 = 0, then 2A & # 178; - 4A + 5 = 3

The speed of a car from place a to place B is 120 km, and the speed of a car from place a to place B is 80 km. How many kilometers do you travel in an hour

2 ÷ (1 / 120 + 1 / 80) = 96 km / h Average speed of round trip

a. B is opposite to each other, C and D are reciprocal to each other, find (a + b) to the power of 2010 + (CD) to the power of 2010

∵ a, B are opposite to each other, C, D are reciprocal to each other
∴a+b=0 c*d=1

The train travels 80 kilometers per hour, and the speed of the car is 15 times slower than that of the train. How many kilometers per hour does the car travel?

"The speed of the car is four fifths slower than that of the train" means that the speed of the car is four fifths slower than that of the train. The following is replaced by 4 / 15. The front of the "/" is the numerator and the back is the denominator
So car speed = train speed * (1-4 / 15) = 80 * 11 / 15 = 66 (km / h)
A: cars travel 66 kilometers per hour

At 1, 2, 3 In 499 and 500, the number 2 appears______ Times

There are 20 in 1-99 (22 has 2 2), 20 in 100-199, 100 in 200-299 (2 in 100), 20 in 20 (2 in 10), 20 in 300-399 (322 has 2 2), and 20 in 400-499 (422 has 2 2). Therefore, a total of 20 × 4 + 100 = 200

Why did the plane crash into a bird
I heard the plane would fall
What about the bird? If it's interaction, it's not dead

It depends on where it hit. If it hit the engine of the plane, it usually hit the plane
It's sure that it will fall down. If it hits the fuselage, it's not necessarily. It's just a bird
The size of the hole, the crew can cope with this situation
Also, the main reason why an airplane will have an accident is that the airplane flies too fast and collides with a bird, which is determined by the theorem of momentum and impulse
It can be concluded that the plane is under great stress

2.8 times of a number is 10.35 more than half of it

Let this number be x, then