How many methods can you use to calculate 43 * 60 + 430 * 24 in a simple way?

How many methods can you use to calculate 43 * 60 + 430 * 24 in a simple way?

(1)43×60+430×24 (2)43×60+430×24 =430×6+430×24 =43×60+43×240 =430×(6+24) =43×(60+240) =430×30=12900 =43×300=12900

Calculate 5 / 6 * 430% + 10 / 7 divided by 6 / 5


Calculation: 4.65 × 32 + 2.5 × 46.5 + 0.465 × 430


Calculation: 4.65 × 32 + 2.5 × 46.5 + 0.465 × 430


Physical calculation problems and Pythagorean theorem of mathematics, please as soon as possible
1. There is an electric water heater in Zhang Hong's home. Its rated voltage is 220 v. he turns off all other electrical appliances in his home and connects the electric water heater to the circuit. After 12 minutes, he finds that the indication of the electric energy meter has increased by 0.1 degree. Please help him to calculate:
(1) What's the power of this electric water heater?
(2) How much current does the electric water heater work normally?
(3) What is the resistance of this electric water heater when it works normally?
2. It is known that the side length of equilateral △ ABC is 6cm, then the height of AB side is; its area is
3. As shown in the figure, it is known that the ant climbs from point a to point B of a rectangular box with length and width of 3 and height of 8. What is the length of the shortest route it climbs?
4. If the perimeter of a right triangle is 2 + radical 6 and the length of the hypotenuse is 2, the area of the triangle is
5. As shown in the figure, the distance between a and B on the railway is 25km, and C and D are two villages. If Da = 10km, CB = 15km, Da ⊥ AB is in a, CB ⊥ AB is in B, a transfer station e is to be built on AB, so that the distance from C and D to station e is equal. How far should e be built from a?
You can answer as many as you can... Except fill in the blanks~

2. H = 6 * (2 / 2 root 3) = 3 times root 3
S = 1 / 2 * 6 * H = 9 times root 3
3. If you want to calculate the two diagonal points, expand the box, calculate the diagonal length of the rectangle, = 3 square + (3 + 8) square, and then root = 130 under the root
4. Let the length of right angle side be a and B,
A + B = radical 6
Square a + square B = 4, square the first formula into the second formula
We get a * b = 2
So the area is 1
5. Set a distance of XKM from point a,
X square + 10 square = (25-x) square + 15 square
The solution is x = 15

As shown in the figure, in the isosceles ladder ABCD, ad// BC.AB=AD=DC , BD = BC, find the degree of ∠ C

∵ isosceles trapezoid ABCD

A-A 1 / 2 = 8 find a square + a square 1


Use C to calculate the surface area and volume of sphere, cylinder and cone
Please do it for me

#include #include using namespace std;class Ccircle{protected: float r;public:};class Csphere:public Ccircle { private:public : Csphere(float R){r=R;} float getArea(){return 4*3.1416*r*r;} fl...

A rectangle is four fifths of a meter long and one half of a meter wide, and its circumference is () meters

2 * [(4 / 5) + (1 / 2)] = 2 * 13 / 10 = 13 / 5m

According to the requirements in brackets, use the rounding method to approximate 1022.0099, in which the error is ()
(A) 1022.01 (accurate to 0.01) (b) 1.0 × (the third power of 10) (keep 2 significant numbers)
(C) 1020 (to the tenth) (d) 1022.010 (to the thousandth)
I have seen many kinds of answers, some say a, some say C. I think they are all right
If I can tell the cause of the mistake, I can add points~

(A) It's wrong. 1022.01 means to be accurate to the hundredth. If you want to be accurate to 0.01, it should be 1022.00. Only two digits after the decimal point