The sum of a composite number and a prime number is 17, and the product is 52. What are the two numbers?

The sum of a composite number and a prime number is 17, and the product is 52. What are the two numbers?


X + y reductive of Z + y

It's impossible to make any more points. This is the final result

Urgent! Solution equation: [500-10 (x-50)] (x-40) = 8000

[500-10 (x-50)] (x-40) = 8000 (500-10x + 500) (x-40) = 8000 (1000-10x) (x-40) = 80001400x-10x & sup2; - 40000 = 8000-10x & sup2; + 1400x-48000 = 0-x & sup2; + 140x-4800 = 0x & sup2; - 140x + 4800 = 0 (X-60) (x-80) = 0x = 60 or x = 80

When k is the value, the equations y = x + K; 3x ^ 2 + 6y = 8
1. There are two solutions
2. There is only one solution
3. No solution

Substitute y = x + K into 3x ^ 2 + 6y = 8 to get 3x ^ 2 + 6 (x + k) = 8
After simplification, 3x ^ 2 + 6x + 6k-8 = 0
Then 6 ^ 2-4 * 3 * (6k-8) = - 72K + 132
1. When the system of equations has two solutions, - 72K + 132 > 0, then K

Initial solution of linear equation with one variable
It is known that the square of the equation - 2x (square - 5m) - 4m = 5 is the solution of the linear equation of one variable about X, then x =?
If the solution of equation x = 1 is also the solution of equation ax-2x = 4, then a=

-Is the square of 2x the square of (- 2x) or the square of - 2 (x)?
What is the square in (square-5m)?
Question 2: x = 4
So the equation becomes 4a-8 = 4

What does it mean that the first coefficient of determinant is 1
In solving the matrix [1, 2, 0]
0 2 0
-How to determine the coefficient of the first term of the subdeterminant to be 1?

Determinant factor is the greatest common factor
If f (x) is some greatest common factor, so is KF (x)
In order to ensure its uniqueness, the determinant factor with the first coefficient of 1 is defined
For example, 2x-1 should be taken as X-1 / 2

Factorization 18x ^ 3Y ^ 2-2x ^ 3

Original formula = 2x & # 179; (9y & # 178; - 1)

Given the complete set u = {2,2a, a & # 178; - 4}, the set a = {2, a & # 178; - 3}, CUA = {5}, then a=___

A = 3 or a = - 1;
There is no solution;

The function f (x) = 2x-1 / 1 + A is an odd function, and the value of real number a is obtained
Find out the specific calculation process
2X is the x power of 2

F (x) = a + 1 / (2 ^ x-1) is an odd function: F (- x) = - f (x)

If the distance between the vertex (3, - 2) of the parabola and the two intersections of the x-axis is four, the analytical formula of the parabola is obtained

Let y = a (x-1) (X-5) substitute (3, - 2) to get: - 2 = a (3-1) (3-5) a = 1 / 2, so y = 1 / 2 * (x-1) (X-5) = 1 / 2 x ^ 2 - 3x + 5 / 2 or: let y = a (x-3) ^ 2 - 2 substitute (1,0) to get: 0 = a (1-3) ^ 2 - 2A = 1 / 2, so y