Given the function f (x) = x2-6x + 8, X ∈ [1, a], and the minimum value of function f (x) is f (a), then the value range of real number a is______ .

Given the function f (x) = x2-6x + 8, X ∈ [1, a], and the minimum value of function f (x) is f (a), then the value range of real number a is______ .

Function f (x) = x2-6x + 8 = (x-3) 2-1, X ∈ [1, a], and the minimum value of function f (x) is f (a), and ∵ function f (x) monotonically decreases in the interval [1, 3], so the answer is: (1, 3]

It is known that the coefficient of quadratic term of quadratic function f (x) is a (a < 0) and the real roots of inequality f (x) = 2x are 1 and 3 if the function y = f (x) + 6A has only one zero point
Finding the analytic expression of F (x)

Let f (x) = ax ^ 2 + BX + C satisfy the inequality f (x) > - 2x, and the solution set is (1,3), then A0 is obtained: ax ^ 2-4ax + 3A = f (x) + 2x, then B + 2 = - 4a.13a = c.2f (x) + 6A = 0 has two equal real roots, so: B ^ 2-4a (6a + C) = 0.3 simultaneous 1,2,3 is obtained: a = - 1 / 5, B = - 6 / 5, C = - 3 / 5 so: F (x) = - x

Let a and B be symmetric matrices of the same order, then AB (or BA) is a symmetric matrix if and only if AB = ba

If AB is a symmetric matrix, then
If AB = Ba, then
AB = Ba = B ^ TA ^ t = (AB) ^ t, so AB is symmetric
The same is true for BA

What is the plural when life is a countable noun? What is the plural when life is an uncountable noun

lives life

[15 and 1 / 2 - (1 / 14 * 3 / 5 + 3 and 1 / 2)] / (- 1 and 1 / 8)

[15 and 1 / 2 - (1 / 14 * 3 / 5 + 3 and 1 / 2)] / (- 1 and 1 / 8)

Do you add the "the" before your family name? The plural number means a family name?

The + surname plural means the family
In Britain and the United States, when a woman marries her husband, she usually changes her surname to the man's. Hong Kong has inherited this way
So the + surname plural, including husband and wife and children

How to restore the oblique bisection drawing method of solid geometry to the original drawing

The line segment parallel to the Y-axis of oblique dichotomy is expanded twice, and the line segment parallel to the x-axis is invariant

What are the words for quantity?
What are the words for quantity

One piece, one handle, one head, one mouthful, one batch, one stack, one round, one, one, one Wait, a lot of them

As shown in the figure, △ ABC, point O is a moving point on the edge of AC. make a straight line Mn ‖ BC through point O. let Mn intersect the bisector of ∠ BCA at point E, and the bisector of the outer angle of ∠ BCA at point F (1) Try to explore the quantitative relationship between OE and of. (2) when the point O moves to where, the quadrilateral aecf is a rectangle, and give the reasoning process. (3) under the premise of (2), if the quadrilateral aecf is a square, then what triangle will △ ABC be? Please give reasons

(1) ∵ Mn ‖ BC, ∵ OEC = ∵ ECB, ∵ OFC = ∵ FCD. Also ∵ CE bisection ∵ ACB, FC bisection ∵ ACD. ∵ ECB = ∵ OCE, ∵ OCF = ∵ FCD, ∵ OEC = ∵ OCE, ∵ OFC = ∵ OCF, ∵ EO = OC, fo = OC, ? EO = fo; (2) from (1), OE = OC = of, when OC = OA, that is the point O is AC


My father goes fishing but sometimes catches nothing for the whole day.
They want to buy a birthday cake for lucy's birthday party but some other things