How to find the unknown number x in the equation sin (x) - 0.3cos (x) = 0.5 with MATLAB?

How to find the unknown number x in the equation sin (x) - 0.3cos (x) = 0.5 with MATLAB?

For I = 1: m temp = solve ('g * s * s / VK (I) - hi (I) = hi (I) * cos (a) - s * sin (a) ','a'); temp = VPA (Temp); end change to for I = 1: M temp (I, 1) = fsolve (@ (a) g * s * s / VK (I) - hi (I) - cos (a) - s * sin (a), [0.3], optimset ('display ','off'); end for the specific format, you can help fslove to see the original post > >

How to calculate that a number plus seven times seven divided by seven minus seven equals seven


The length of the parallelogram field is 6 meters. If you add 4 meters to the bottom, add 12 square meters to get the original area

Height: 12 △ 4 = 3M
The original area is: 6 × 3 = 18 square meters

It is known that the vertex m of quadratic function y = x square + BX + C is on the straight line y = - 4x, and the image passes through point a (- 1,0). Let another intersection of quadratic function and X axis be c,
Given that the vertex m of quadratic function y = x square + BX + C is on the straight line y = - 4x, the image passes through point a (- 1,0). Let another intersection of quadratic function and X-axis be B, and the intersection of quadratic function and y-axis be C, and find the diameter of the circle passing through three points m, B and C,

The quadratic function equation y = the square of x-2x-3, coordinates of point C (0, - 3), coordinates of point B (3,0), so the diameter of the circle is 6,

If x2 + (a + 4) x + 25 is a complete square, find the value of A

I hope I can help you

How many squares are there when the number of squares is 84?
The speed V of the ostrich is 70 kilometers per hour. According to this calculation, the ostrich runs () kilometers in 3.5 hours, () kilometers in 4.5 hours and () kilometers in t hours


As shown in the figure, point a is on the positive half axis of the y-axis, with OA as the edge to make the equilateral triangle AOC, point B is a moving point on the positive half axis of X, connecting AB and making the equilateral triangle Abe in the first quadrant. Does the angle ace change during the movement of point B? If it does not change, ask for its value; if it changes, please explain the reason, The equilateral triangle AE ` B ', connecting CE' and ob 'intersect at point F. please explore the quantitative relationship between angle ofa and angle AFE'

The conclusion is proved by the congruence of △ AOB and △ ace
The two corners are equal

Now I still don't know. For example, what is the partial derivative physically or geometrically?

Let's say that a certain quantity is jointly determined by the changes of several quantities, for example, the rectangular area s = x * y (, not necessarily two, but also multiple)
Then s is the derivative of X (or y), and the partial derivative is obtained
The area of a circle is only related to radius, so the area s of a circle is not partial derivative to radius R

Divide three eighths of a meter into four parts on average. What percentage of three eighths of a meter is each part? What percentage of one meter is each part

Divide three eighths of a meter into four parts, 25% of three eighths of a meter, 9.375% of one meter, and two parts of one meter, 50% of one meter. If you agree with my answer, please click the "adopt as satisfied answer" button in time ~ ~ the mobile phone questioner can click "satisfied" in the upper right corner of the client

The image of parabola y = x 2 + BX + C (B ≤ 0) intersects with X axis at two points a and B, and intersects with y axis at point C, where the coordinate of point a is (- 2,0); the line x = 1 intersects with parabola at point E, intersects with X axis at point F, and 45 °≤ ∠ FAE ≤ 60 °
The image of parabola y = x2 + BX + C (B ≤ 0) intersects with X axis at two points a and B, and intersects with y axis at point C, where the coordinate of point a is (- 2,0); the line x = 1 intersects with parabola at point E, intersects with X axis at point F, and 45 °≤ ∠ FAE ≤ 60 °.
(1) B is used to represent the coordinates of C and B;
(2) Find the value range of real number B;
(3) Is there a maximum area of △ BCE? If yes, find the maximum value; if not, explain the reason

I'll give you a hint,
First, draw the picture;
Take point a into the equation, look at the relationship between the edges of triangle FAE, and combine with some formulas to solve it;
All the contents in the title will be solved after you use them,
I haven't done Math for a long time;
(3) There must be a maximum