F (x) = X3 + X + 1 (x includes all real numbers)

F (x) = X3 + X + 1 (x includes all real numbers)

Let x1

It is proved that the function y = 1 x is a decreasing function on (0, + ∞)

It is proved that: ∵ y ′ = - 1x2 < 0, ∵ function y = 1x is a decreasing function on (0, + ∞)

It is proved that the function y = 1 / x + 1 is a decreasing function on (- 1, + infinity)

Let x1, X2 ∈ (- 1, + ∞), and X1 > x2
Then f (x1) - f (x2)
=1/x1 -1-1/x2 +1
Because X1 > X2, so x2-x10
So (x2-x1) / x1x2

Love adjective, down antonym, cloud adjective, easy antonym, rain verb
Synonyms of fall

Come, come, lower

In △ ABC, a = 1, B = 45 ° and s △ ABC = 2, then the circumscribed circle diameter of △ ABC is ()
A. 522B. 5C. 52D. 62

∵ in △ ABC, a = 1, B = 45 °, s △ ABC = 2, ∵ 12acsin B = 2, i.e. C = 42, ∵ B 2 = A2 + c2-2accosb = 1 + 32-8 = 25, i.e. B = 5, d = bsinb = 52, i.e. d = bsinb = 52

Is the use of "without" in the form of "ing"?

Yes, after preposition + noun or gerund

Using the principle of the relationship between cognition and practice, this paper explains the practical significance of seeking truth from reality

Well, what is the principle of the relationship between cognition and practice? The decisive role of practice in cognition and the guiding role of cognition in practice. In the dialectical relationship between practice and cognition, Marxist philosophy first emphasizes that practice is the basis of cognition and the decisive role of practice in cognition. First, practice is the source of cognition

High school mathematics -- polar coordinate equation of curve
Given that the equation of curve C is p = [25 / (13-12cos θ)], then the polar coordinates of the two ends of its major axis are
Detailed! Thank you

This is the standard polar coordinate of conic curve
The end points of the long axis are theta = 0, PI
Here rho = 25,1
The coordinates are (25,0), (1, PI)

In the triangle ABC, the opposite sides of angles a, B and C are a, B and C respectively, and acosb bcosa = 1 / 2C. When Tan (a-b) is the maximum, the value of angle c is?

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What does my sports shoes mean

My sneakers