Integral addition, subtraction, multiplication and division calculation problems and answers, the more the better! Is a calculation problem! Power operation can also be

Integral addition, subtraction, multiplication and division calculation problems and answers, the more the better! Is a calculation problem! Power operation can also be

3、 When x = - 0.2, find the value of the algebraic formula 2x2-3x + 5-7x2 + 3x-5.22. (2x + 3Y) 2 - (2x-y) (2x + y), where x =, y = -. 23. (Y-2) (y2-6y-9) - Y (y2-2y-15), where y = - 2.24. (2a4x2 + 4a3x3

1. (some things can't be typed out and are replaced by words. It's easy to read the formula in the draft book.)
Try to explain that the cubic power of polynomial a, the cubic power of B + the quadratic power of B - 1 / 2a, the quadratic power of B + 0.5A, the cubic power of B - 2A, the cubic power of B + the quadratic power of B + the cubic power of a, the cubic power of B - 4B + 3 has nothing to do with the value of letter A
2. Given the quadratic power of X + the quadratic power of y = 6, xy = - 2, find the quadratic power of the algebraic formula 5x - 3xy-4y - 11xy-7x + the quadratic power of 2Y!
3. About the polynomial of X, the quadratic power of a, the cubic power of X + the quadratic power of 3x - the cubic power of 9x + the quadratic power of X - ax + 9 is a quadratic trinomial, find the value of a!

It's so long. I haven't written a line enough. The first question is 2B quadratic - 4B plus 3. There's no a, so it's irrelevant to take a

A problem of linear inequality of one variable in elementary two
Known equations
The solution X and y of are all positive numbers, and the value range of M is obtained

2x+y=5m+6 ①
x-2y=-17 ②
From (2)
And ∵ y is a positive number, ∵ Y > 0
Wrong estimate, hehe

What are the differences in usage among many, much, some and any? Modify countable or uncountable nouns? What are the changes in interrogative or negative forms?

Many modifiers are countable, such as many books
Many modifies uncountable names, such as many water
Any is used in negative and interrogative sentences, some is used in declarative sentences

If a + 23 = B4 = C + 56, and 2a-b + 3C = 21

Let a + 23 = B4 = C + 56 = k, then a = 3K-2, B = 4K, C = 6k-5, so 2 (3K-2) - 4K + 3 (6k-5) = 21, the solution is k = 2, so a = 6-2 = 4, B = 8, C = 7, so a: B: C = 4:8:7

Do the words in a phrase have a role?
For example, all over the word

Yes, in this phrase, all is used as an adverbial, over the world is the center word, and the world is the object of the preposition over

In the triangle ABC, ab = AC, BAC = 90 degrees, any straight line an passing through point a, BD is perpendicular to an and D, CE is perpendicular to an and E, which means de = bd-ce
Determination of congruent triangles

AB = AC, bad = 90 degrees - EAC = ace,
Right triangle abd and CAE congruent,

What do the Germans say in English

Chinese translation of German
Adjective a
German; German
2. German
Noun n
1. German
2. German
Adjective a
With one's parents; with one's grandparents; with one's grandparents

The area of triangle ABC is 180cm2. Divide the side length AB and BC into two equal parts and three equal parts respectively to find the area of triangle BDE

Is d the midpoint of AB and e the 1 / 3 of BC,
Connecting AE, s △ Abe = s △ ABC / 3 = 60cm ^ 2,

I don't like eggs and meat?

And changed to or