The original question is that the purchase price is 1000 yuan, and the selling price is 1500 yuan. Because the sales are not good, the price is reduced, but the profit is not less than 5%. How much should the price be reduced?

The original question is that the purchase price is 1000 yuan, and the selling price is 1500 yuan. Because the sales are not good, the price is reduced, but the profit is not less than 5%. How much should the price be reduced?

When the profit margin is 5%, the price should be 1050 yuan
Price reduction less than 1500-1050 = 450 yuan

If a business sells two kinds of shirts at the same price, the profit of a kind of shirt is 30%, and that of B kind of shirt is only 14.4%. If the price of a kind of shirt is increased by 3.9 yuan, the profit will be the same as that of a kind of shirt. How much is the cost of a kind of shirt and B kind of shirt?

Let a cost be x and B cost be y
X*1.3=Y*1.144 (1)
Y*1.144+3.9=Y*1.3 (2)
From (2)
Substitute (1) to get

P is the moving point on the ellipse x ^ 2 / 9 + y ^ 2 / 5 = 1, m and N are the left and right focus respectively. If | PM | * | PN | = 2 / (1-cosmpn), find the coordinates of P

In △ MPN, Mn ^ 2 = PM ^ 2 + PN ^ 2-2pm * PN * cosmpn = (PM + PN) ^ 2-2pm * PN (1 + cosmpn) 4 ^ 2 = 6 ^ 2 - [2 * 2 / (1-cosmpn)] * (1 + cosmpn) cosmpn = 2 / 3 > 0sinmpn = √ 5 / 3P

The square of x-2x-6 is done by factoring in real numbers
And 2x (x + 4) - 7


The angle between b1d1 and acd1 in cube abcd-a1b1c1d1

The distance from key step 1B1 to acd1 is 2 / 3 of the distance from b1d
Let the edge length of a cube be a,
Then b1d1 = √ 2A
Let b1d1 and acd1 form an angle α
Then sin α = (2b1d / 3) / (b1d1)
So the sine of the angle between b1d1 and acd1 is √ 6 / 3

Recurrence formula of sequence 1,3,7,13,21

Let's use A1, A2, A3, A4, a5. To represent these numbers, then there is a sequence formula: (1 ^ for square form)

Given that the line AB = 9, there is a point P on the plane. (1) if PA = 5, then what is Pb equal to, P is on the line AB(
(2) When p is on the line AB and PA = Pb, the position of P is determined and the size of PA + Pb and ab is compared

1) When Pb = ab-pa = 9-5 = 4, P is on the line ab. 2) when p is on the line AB, and PA = Pb, PA = Pb = 4.5, P is on the midpoint of AB, PA + Pb = AB = 9



How to find the value range of diagonal in parallelogram?

In a triangle composed of two adjacent sides of a parallelogram and a diagonal, the value range of the diagonal can be obtained by using the relationship between the three sides of the triangle: the sum of any two sides is greater than the third side

2/3x=3/4y=2/5z x+y+z=215

Let 2 / 3x = 3 / 4Y = 2 / 5Z = K
Then x = 3 / 2K & nbsp;, y = 4 / 3k, z = 5 / 2K
Substituting x + y + Z = 215
That is 3 / 2K + 4 / 3K + 5 / 2K = 215
So k = 645 / 16
So x = 1935 / 32, y = 215 / 4, z = 3225 / 32
Is it 4 / 3Y, which is more convenient