What is the calculation formula of commodity profit rate

What is the calculation formula of commodity profit rate

Financial statement is a complete reporting system, which comprehensively reflects the financial status, operating results and cash flow of the company. It includes balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement and related schedules. The balance sheet summarizes the assets, liabilities and owner's equity of the company at a certain time point, The income statement summarizes the company's income and expenses in a certain period. In order to evaluate the company's financial situation and operating results, the most commonly used tool used by the management is the financial ratio
1、 Types of financial ratios
There are basically three types of financial ratios: the first ratio summarizes some aspects of the company's financial situation at a certain time point, which is the comparison of two "stock" items, usually also known as balance sheet ratio; the second ratio summarizes some aspects of the company's operating results over a period of time, which compares one "flow" item of the income statement with another "flow" item, Traditionally, it is called income statement ratio; the third ratio reflects the company's comprehensive operating results, which compares a "flow" item in the income statement with a "stock" item in the balance sheet, which is called income statement to balance sheet ratio, It can't accurately reflect the flow change of this variable in a certain period, so it can better reflect the overall situation of the company by using the average value of the balance sheet balance at the beginning and end of the period as the denominator of a certain income statement to balance sheet ratio, We need to use the average value of "stock" items
2、 Financial statement ratio analysis framework
Solvency ratio is the ratio that measures a company's ability to repay its short-term debts. Solvency ratio is a comparison between short-term debts and available sources of short-term working capital to repay these debts
(1) Current ratio. It shows the ability of a company to repay its current liabilities with its current assets. It is the most commonly used solvency ratio. The calculation formula is: current ratio = current assets △ current liabilities. Generally, the higher the current ratio, the stronger the company's short-term solvency, It is generally believed that the ratio of 2:1 is more appropriate. However, the current ratio should not be too high. If the current ratio is too high, it means that the company occupies more current assets, which will affect the efficiency of capital use and the profitability of the company
(2) Acid test ratio, also known as quick ratio, refers to the ability of a company to repay its current liabilities with the assets with the strongest liquidity. Its calculation formula is: acid test ratio = (current assets inventory) / current liabilities
2. Financial leverage ratio. It reflects the ratio of the company's financing through debt
(1) The property right ratio reflects the relative relationship between the debt capital provided by the creditor and the equity capital provided by the owner, as well as whether the basic financial structure of the company is stable or not. Its calculation formula is: property right ratio = total liabilities / shareholders' equity. The property right ratio represents the amount of loans that the creditor is willing to provide for each dollar provided by the shareholders, In the period of economic prosperity, the company can get extra profits by borrowing more
(2) Asset liability ratio reflects the importance of debt financing to the company. Its calculation formula is: asset liability ratio = total liabilities △ total assets. Asset liability ratio is directly related to financial risk: the higher the asset liability ratio, the higher the financial risk; on the contrary, the lower the asset liability ratio, the lower the financial risk
(3) The ratio of long-term liabilities to long-term capital reflects the relative importance of long-term liabilities to capital structure (long-term financing). Its calculation formula is: long term liabilities to long-term capital ratio = long-term liabilities △ long-term capital. Long term capital is the sum of all long-term liabilities and shareholders' equity
3. Protection ratio. It is the ratio that connects the financial expenses of a company with its ability to pay and protect it. Interest protection ratio refers to the ability of a company to pay interest expenses. Its calculation formula is: interest protection ratio = profit before interest and tax (EBIT) × interest expenses, Or = earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) × interest expense. Depreciation and amortisation is the adjustment of previous expenses according to the accrual basis. In fact, it still belongs to the cash flow of this year, and can also be used to pay interest expense. Therefore, the author thinks that using EBITDA is more accurate than using EBIT
Turnover is the ratio that measures the effectiveness of a company's use of its assets
(1) The turnover rate of accounts receivable reflects the quality of the company's accounts receivable and the performance of the company's accounts receivable, and indicates the times of realization of the accounts receivable in a year. The calculation formula is: turnover rate of accounts receivable = annual net sales △ accounts receivable
(2) The calculation formula is: days of accounts receivable turnover = days in a year / accounts receivable turnover rate, or = (accounts receivable × days in a year) / annual credit sales amount. The two ratios of accounts receivable turnover rate and days of accounts receivable turnover are closely related to the company's credit policy environment, However, too fast turnover speed of accounts receivable and too short average cash period may mean too strict credit policy. The low balance of accounts receivable on the book may reduce sales and corresponding profits significantly
(3) The calculation formula is: accounts payable turnover = annual credit amount △ accounts payable
(4) Turnover days of accounts payable, also known as average cash payment period, is calculated as follows: turnover days of accounts payable = days in a year / turnover rate of accounts payable, or = (accounts payable × days in a year) / annual credit amount
(5) The calculation formula of inventory turnover rate is: inventory turnover rate = cost of sales △ inventory
(6) The calculation formula of inventory turnover days is: inventory turnover days = days in a year / inventory turnover rate, or = (inventory × days in a year) / sales cost. The faster the inventory turnover, the more liquid the inventory is. However, too fast turnover speed may be a signal of low inventory occupancy level or frequent shortage of inventory
(7) Business cycle refers to the period from the payment obligation of outsourcing to the recovery of accounts receivable arising from the sale of goods or the provision of services. Its calculation formula is: business cycle = days of inventory turnover + days of accounts receivable turnover. The length of business cycle is an important factor determining the company's demand for current assets. A shorter business cycle indicates the effective management of accounts receivable and inventory I'm not sure
(8) The calculation formula of cash cycle is: cash cycle = business cycle - days of accounts payable turnover. When analyzing the cash cycle, we must pay attention to that this indicator not only affects the company's business decision-making but also affects the company's financial decision-making, and people may ignore the wrong management of these two decisions. For example, if the company does not pay in time, it will lose the company's credit, but it can directly shorten the cash cycle
(9) Turnover rate of total assets. It is the efficiency of a company to generate sales revenue by using its total assets. The calculation formula is: turnover rate of total assets = net sales △ total assets
5. Profitability ratio
(1) Gross profit rate is the ratio of gross profit on sales to net sales of a company. Gross profit on sales refers to the balance of net sales minus cost of sales. Net sales is the difference of sales revenue minus sales return, sales discount and allowance. Its calculation formula is: gross profit rate = gross profit on sales / net sales = (net sales cost of sales) / net sales. Gross profit rate is defined as commodity circulation enterprise and system Manufacturing industry is an important financial indicator reflecting the profitability of goods or products. The cost of goods sold by commodity circulation enterprises is the cost of goods' purchase, while in manufacturing industry it is the cost of products' production or manufacturing. When the gross profit is deducted from the operating expenses, it is the operating profit, Maintaining a certain gross profit margin is very important for the company to achieve profits
(2) Profit margin on sales is the percentage of profit in net sales revenue. This indicator indicates the company's ability to make profit by selling one yuan of products. The calculation formula is: profit margin on sales = profit amount / net sales revenue. When using this ratio for analysis, the profit amount is used to use the total profit, but the total profit includes not only the sales profit, It also includes investment income and non operating income and expenditure, which results in the difference of numerator and denominator calculation caliber. Therefore, the author suggests that the narrow sense of sales profit is actually the profit margin of main business, which is an important indicator to measure whether a company can continuously obtain profit ability, and it is more valuable for management decision-making
(3) The rate of return on investment is an index to measure the comprehensive efficiency of a company. Its calculation formula is: rate of return on investment = net profit after tax △ total assets = net interest rate of sales × turnover rate of total assets
(4) Return on equity. It reflects the profitability of shareholders' Book investment. Return on equity = net profit after tax △ shareholders' equity = net interest rate of sales × turnover rate of total assets × equity multiplier = return on investment × equity multiplier

A general formula for calculating the rate of return on investment

According to the current evaluation index system in China, there are two kinds of investment return index: investment profit rate and investment profit tax rate
Investment profit rate = annual average total profit / total investment × 100%
Investment profit and tax rate = annual average total profit and tax / total investment × 100%
Among them:
Annual average total profit = average annual product revenue - average annual total cost - average annual sales tax
Average annual total profit and tax = average annual total profit + average annual sales tax + VAT

Application of equation of first degree with one variable!
1. A farmer went to the city to exchange wheat for rice. According to the market price, 10 catties of wheat were exchanged for 6 catties of rice. The shopkeeper used a 4 catty container to hold wheat, which showed 100 catties. The shopkeeper used the container to exchange 60 catties of rice for the farmer. Please judge whether the transaction is fair? Who lost? How much?
2. On the highway, when a 4m long car with a speed of 110km / h is ready to overtake a 12m long truck with a speed of 100km / h, how many seconds does it take for the car to overtake the truck from the beginning? / the result remains 0.01 seconds.)
3. The car uses 1 / 4 of the fuel tank from home a to land B, and 1 / 5 of the remaining gasoline from land B to land C. the fuel tank still has 6L left
Question: 1. If the distance between a and B is 22km, how many km is the distance between B and C?
2、 If dingdi is 10km away from Bingdi, can the car go to dingdi and then return to Jiadi along the original road under the condition of no refueling?
You can answer as many as you can

1. Suppose the rice should be changed x, (x-4) * 10 = (100-6) * 6, x = 57.6 > 60-4 = 56, so it's unfair. The farmer lost money
2. Let a total of x seconds x * (10 / 3.6) = 12 + 4, x = 5.76
3. Let the total oil x L x * (1-1 / 4) * (1-1 / 5) = 6 x = 10L, 2.5L from a to B and 1.5L from B to C. let the distance between B and C be YKM, Y / 1.5 = 22 / 2.5, y = 66 / 5km
2. Let C to d need ZL oil 10 / z = 22 / 2.5, z = 25 / 22L, and then add them all to see if they can

The application problem solved by the equation of one variable and one degree
A circular track is 200 meters long (as shown in the picture). Two people run from the same place and direction at the same time. A runs 220 meters per minute, B runs 200 meters per minute. How many minutes later can a catch up with B again? At this time, how many meters has a run?
How to solve the equation of first degree with one variable?

A run: 220 * 10 = 2200

It is known that the equation of ⊙ o is x2 + y2-2 = 0, the equation of ⊙ o 'is x2 + y2-8x + 10 = 0, and the tangent lengths from the moving point P to ⊙ O and ⊙ o' are equal, then the trajectory equation of the moving point P is___ .