Xiao Ming and Xiao Gang collected 121 cards. It is known that one fifth of the number of Xiao Ming's cards is equal to one sixth of the number of Xiao Gang's cards. How many cards do Xiao Ming and Xiao Gang collect? Find the formula and explain

Xiao Ming and Xiao Gang collected 121 cards. It is known that one fifth of the number of Xiao Ming's cards is equal to one sixth of the number of Xiao Gang's cards. How many cards do Xiao Ming and Xiao Gang collect? Find the formula and explain

Xiaoming 55, Xiaogang 66, elementary school arithmetic

Xiao Gang: I'm one fifth heavier than Xiao Hua. Xiao Hua: my weight is 35 kg. Xiao Ming: I'm one seventh lighter than Xiao Hua. How many kg do they weigh?

Xiaogang weighs 42 kg
Xiaoming weighs 30 kg

What are their weights? Xiaohua: 35kg Xiaogang: Xiaohua is 1 / 6 heavier than Xiaogang Xiaoming: 1 / 7 lighter than Xiaohua

Xiaogang: 35 ÷ (1 + 1 / 6) = 30kg
Xiaoming: 35 × (1-1 / 7) = 30kg

A cuboid water tank, measuring 28cm in length, 25cm in width and 20cm in height, is filled with half a tank of water. Put eight square iron blocks with 5cm in length into the water tank, so that the iron blocks are completely immersed in the water. How many centimeters has the water in the water tank risen? (the number is reserved for 2 decimal places) my daughter can't do it

The volume of iron block v = 8 * 5 ^ 3 = 1000 (cubic centimeter) = 1 cubic decimeter;
Water surface area of water tank s = 28 * 25 = 700 (square centimeter) = 7 square decimeter;
The water surface elevation H = V / S = 1 / 7 = 0.14 (decimeter) = 1.4cm

There is a mathematical operation symbol "⊗", so that the following formula holds: 2 ⊗ 4 = 10, 5 ⊗ 3 = 18, 3 ⊗ 5 = 14, 9 ⊗ 7 = 34. Find 7 ⊗ 3=

From the meaning of the title, the meaning of the operation symbol "⊗ B" is a ⊗ B = 3A + B, so 7 ⊗ 3 = 3 × 7 + 3 = 24; answer: 7 ⊗ 3 = 24

8 square meters = () square decimeters = () square centimeters

8 square meters = (80) square decimeters = (8000) square centimeters

1. Storybooks are one fifth more than science and technology books. Storybooks are ()% of science and technology books. What percentage are science and technology books less than storybooks?


Mathematics calculation of grade 6 in primary school (Olympiad Mathematics) please answer in detail, thank you! (28 13:34:17)
    1      +     1      +        1      +…… +         1           
  1+2       1+2+3   1+2+3+4             1+2+3… +50

3-2 + 4-3 + 5-4 + 6-5 + .+ 51-50
1+2 1+2+3 1+2+3+4 1+2+3+4+5 1+2+3… +50

How many units of measurement are used in accounting?

I'll look through the books for you
Accounting takes money as the main measure
1: Physical measurement: (kg, t, m, set, piece, etc.)
2: Labor measurement: (working days, working hours, etc.)
3: Monetary measurement: (yuan, Jiao, etc.)

Primary school Chinese sixth grade summer homework, No. 36, reading answers

For willows, spring rain is (green)
Spring rain is (red) color for peach blossom
Spring rain is (yellow) color for rape fields
Spring rain is (blue) color to the sea
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