Xiao Gang and Xiao Ming donated 28 books in total. Xiao Gang donated 6 more than Xiao Ming. How many books did Xiao Gang and Xiao Ming donate to solve the equation

Xiao Gang and Xiao Ming donated 28 books in total. Xiao Gang donated 6 more than Xiao Ming. How many books did Xiao Gang and Xiao Ming donate to solve the equation

If Xiao Ming donated x books, then Xiao Gang donated x + 6 books
Xiao Gang donated 17 and Xiao Ming donated 11

Xiaogang and Xiaoqiang want to buy the same magazine. Xiaoqiang's one book is 1.1 yuan less than Xiaogang's, and Xiaogang's one book is 1.2 yuan less than Xiaoqiang's. If they buy one book together, the rest is 0.7 yuan
A magazine costs () yuan

Magazine = 1.1 + 1.2-0.7 = 1.6 yuan

A natural number n ()
A. There is a minimum of 63b. There is a maximum of 63c. There is a minimum of 31d. There is a maximum of 31

Let the sum of the first n terms of {an} be Sn = log223 + log234 + +log2nn+1+log2n+1n+2,=[log22-log23]+[log23-log24]+… +[log2n-log2 (n + 1)] + [log2 (n + 1) - log2 (n + 2)] = [log22-log2 (n + 2)] = log22n + 2 < - 5, that is, the solution of 2n + 2 < 2-5 leads to N + 2 > 64, n > 62; the minimum value of natural number n that makes Sn < - 5 hold is 63

Sqrt (1 + X * x) indefinite integral

Let x = tant DX = sec ^ 2tdt

Find the rule () ()


In a of 8 (a equals a natural number), when a () it is a true fraction, when a () it is a false fraction, and when a equals () it is 0

When a is less than 8, it is a true fraction. When a is greater than or equal to 8, it is a false fraction. When a = 0, it is 0. I hope it can help you

Natural numbers are part of integers______ (judge right or wrong)

It is correct that the natural number used to represent the number of objects is part of an integer

1,2,10,11,12,20,21,22 (), ()


Find a natural number, it can be divided by 2 and 49, a total of 10 divisors

In general, let n be decomposed into n = P (1) ^ α (1) · P (2) ^ α * 2 · ·P (k) ^ α (k) where p 1, P 2 P (k) is a different prime number, α (1), α (2) If α (k) is a positive integer, then n = P (1) ^ β (1) · P (2) ^ β * 2 · ·p(k)^...

If the image of exponential function f (x) is known to pass through point (4,2), then f (x) =? F (x) =?

Exponential function f (x)
Let f (x) = a ^ X
Image over (4,2)
∴ a^4=2
∴ a=2^(1/4)
∴ f(x)=[2^(1/4)]^x