Xiao Hong goes to the library every five days, Xiao Li goes to the library every six days. They go to the library at the same time on Sundays. How many days at least will they meet again in the library?

Xiao Hong goes to the library every five days, Xiao Li goes to the library every six days. They go to the library at the same time on Sundays. How many days at least will they meet again in the library?


Xiaohong, Xiaomin and Xiaohui meet to read in the library. Xiaohong goes to the library every four days, Xiaomin every three days and Xiaohua every six days
One day (July 1st), three people went together. What month and date will they go at the same time next time?

The least common multiple of 4, 3 and 6 is 12, so the next time is July 13

A, B, C and d go to the library to borrow books. A goes every five days, B goes every 11 days, C goes every 17 days, and D goes every 29 days. If the four of them meet in the library on May 18, what month is the next time they meet in the library

They go to the library every 6 days, 12 days, 18 days and 30 days, and their least common multiple is 180. That is to say, they meet again in the library 180 days later. They are older in May than in June, younger in July than in August, older in September than in October. That is to say, 180 = 31 + 30 + 31 + 31 + 30 + 27, so the next time is November 14

A car from a city to B city, has been driving 55% of the whole journey, in driving 108 kilometers can reach B city. How many kilometers is the distance between the two cities?
There's another one
For a batch of rice, 40% of the total amount was transported in the first time, and 112 bags were transported in the second time, accounting for three-quarters of the total amount. How many bags are there in total?

240m 108 / 45%
320 bags 112 / (0.75-0.4)

Simplification (1 - +) + (a ^ 3 + A ^ 2-a-1 / A ^ 2-3a + 2)

Original formula = (a-6) / (a + 1) + 12 / (a + 1) ^ 2 + (a + 1) (a ^ 2-1) / [(A-1) (A-2)]

A road is 4 kilometers long. A team has built 28% of the road in 7 days. According to the speed ratio, how many days will it take?

Set X days
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If the equation 3sin (x + π / 3) ^ 2-sin (x + π / 3) + M = 0 has two different solutions in X ∈ (- π / 3,2 π / 3), the value range of real number m is obtained

Take sin (x + π / 3) as a whole, find out the range, and then change it to t, that is, 3T ^ 2-T + M = 0. There are two solutions on (0,1), that is, M = - 3T ^ 2 + T. find out the range of - 3T ^ 2 + T, that is, the range of M

There is a batch of cement on the construction site. 40 tons of cement are transported in the first day and 50 tons in the second day. The mass ratio of the remaining cement to the transported cement is 2:3. How many tons are these cement workers?

Use grey logic to help you make the following logic:
90 tons are transported, divided into three parts, 30 tons each, the remaining two parts, a total of 60 tons, the two add up to 150 tons
Excuse me: are you a relative of the boss? Female? Liberal arts student? Beautiful?
We are here to manage the basic material is the boss relatives + female
From this point of view: only beautiful liberal arts students can learn English@@@@

It is known that the quadratic equation (a + 1) x has two identical roots, then a = this follows

It is known that △ = 0
The square of a - 4 (a + 1) a = 0
-Square of 1 / 3x + 4 / 3x-4 / 3 = 0
This is x = 2
Hope to adopt, do not understand, please ask

If you transport a pile of sand, the weight ratio of the removed sand to the rest is 4:5. If you transport another 25 tons, half of the sand will be transported. How many tons of sand is there?

There are 450 tons of sand in this pile