Xiaoxiao's birthday, dad bought a birthday cake. Xiaoxiao ate 1 / 6, Dad ate the rest of the 1 / 5, mom ate the rest of the 1 / 4, who ate more cake

Xiaoxiao's birthday, dad bought a birthday cake. Xiaoxiao ate 1 / 6, Dad ate the rest of the 1 / 5, mom ate the rest of the 1 / 4, who ate more cake

1-1/6=5/6 5/6x1/5=1/6 (5/6-1/6) x1/4=1/6
All three of them ate one sixth as much

During May 1, a shopping mall launched a 20% discount for the whole store. Holding the VIP card, you can continue to discount on the basis of 20% discount. Xiaoming's mother bought goods priced at 10000 yuan with the VIP card, saving 2800 yuan in total, and then enjoyed it again with the VIP card______ There is a discount

According to the meaning of the question: 10000-10000 × 80% × X10 = 2800 solution: x = 9, you can enjoy a 10% discount on VIP card

1+3+5+7+…… 99+100+101—2+4+6+…… 100=?
We need to talk about ideas


When m, n take what value, the cube of polynomial-5x-2mx square + 2x + 4-x square-3nx-1 is a cubic binomial

The original formula = - 5x & sup3; + (- 2m-1) x & sup2; + (2-3n) x + 3
It's a cubic binomial
There are only two
Then the middle two coefficients are 0

The purchase price of a commodity is 2000 yuan per piece. If it is sold at a 20% discount on the price, the profit of each commodity will be reduced by 60%. What is the price of the commodity?
The application of equation in grade one of junior high school,
All heroes, help~
】Thank you very much~

Set the price as X Yuan

be equal to?

Divide it into four numbers, four numbers
There are 25 groups
The results of each group were 4
So the answer is 100

How to find the derivative of y = (arcsin (x / 3)) ^ 5?

It's really hard to have a process, because it's just a step
The idea is: This is a compound derivative, so every layer of function must be derivative
The more difficult one is (arcsinu) '= 1 / √ (1-u ^ 2)



What's after one-third, two-quarters, three-quarters and four-quarters
Cnfvhbfdb fluorescent lamp method

Denominator calculation process
The molecules are one in turn
Positive and negative are positive for one number, negative for the next, and so on

The square of a-2a + 1 / 1-A = 1-A

Any real number with a ≠ 1