If LGA LGB is the two real roots of the equation 2x ^ 2-4x + 1 = 0, find the value of LG (AB) * LG (A / b) ^ 2

If LGA LGB is the two real roots of the equation 2x ^ 2-4x + 1 = 0, find the value of LG (AB) * LG (A / b) ^ 2

According to the relationship between the root of quadratic equation and coefficient, LGA + LGB = 2, LGA * LGB = 1 / 2,
Then LG (AB) = LGA + LGB = 2;
Since [LG (A / b)] ^ 2 = (LGA LGB) ^ 2 = (LGA) ^ 2 + (LGB) ^ 2-2lga * LGB = (LGA + LGB) ^ 2-4lga * LGB = 4-2 = 2,
Therefore, the original formula = 2 * 2 = 4

The number of male workers in a factory is 1 / 5 of that of female workers. What is the percentage of female workers in the whole factory?

5 out of 6

2 (x-2y) & #178; + 4 (2y-x) - (x-2y) & #178; + 3 (x-2y), where x = negative half, y = half. Brothers and sisters, help me


At the 2012 London Olympic Games, China won 88 gold, silver and copper medals, including 11 less silver medals and 15 less copper medals than gold medals,
Do you know how many gold, silver and bronze medals China won,

88 + 11 + 15 = 114 (pieces)
Gold medal: 114 divided by 3 = 38
Silver: 38-11 = 27 (pieces)
Bronze medal: 38-15 = 23 (pieces)
A: China won 38 gold medals, 27 silver medals and 23 bronze medals

Given x, y at (- 2,2), xy = - 1, find the minimum value of u = 4 / (4-x2) + 9 / (9-y2)
Another problem is: given the equation x2 + (1 + a) x + 1 + A + B = 0, two of them are x1, X2, if 0

There is something wrong with the title
Given that x, y is (- 2,2), xy = - 1? Is this possible? (- 2,2) coordinates or ranges?
What is X2, Y2? Square?

Class 6 (1) participated in the tree planting activities. Three boys and five girls planted one tree. There were 100 students in the whole grade. A total of 30 trees were planted. How many boys and girls were involved in the activities?

If there are x boys and 100-x girls, then there are 13X trees for boys and 15 (100-x) trees for girls. According to the meaning of the question, we can get the following equation: 13X + 15 (100-x) = 30, & nbsp; 5x + 3 (100-x) = 450, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 5x + 300-3x = 450, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp

Between which two integers is the root 10?


If the ratio of the three numbers of a, B and C is 1:3:5 and the average of the three numbers of a, B and C is 60, then the number of C is ()
A. 20B. 60C. 100D. 10/3

60 × 3 △ 1 + 3 + 5) × 5, = 180 △ 9 × 5, = 20 × 5, = 100; answer: C is 100

The value range of a function's independent variable should consider the fraction (); the quadratic radical (); if the function expression is integral, then the independent variable can take ()

Denominator is not 0, base is greater than or equal to 0, any real number

The simplest integer ratio of a and B is (). If B is 25, a is (), B is ()

The simplest integer ratio of a and B is (6:5). If B is 25, a is (30), B is (25)