How to play the middle dot? It's a dot in the middle of a foreigner's name. Many people say to press Shift + 2, but I can't type it

How to play the middle dot? It's a dot in the middle of a foreigner's name. Many people say to press Shift + 2, but I can't type it

Open the word document. The first key in the row of number key on the top of the keyboard. Press it directly
Martin Luther King

How to use punctuation? How to use quotation marks and book names?
Do you use book name or quotation marks for the name of the meeting?

There is another form of full stop, that is, a dot. It is usually used in scientific and technological literature. For example: a) Beijing is the capital of the people's Republic of China

The use of punctuation
1. The following two sentences are the same, but with different punctuation, their meanings are quite different
(1) You are not angry at such wrong behavior
(2) Aren't you angry at this wrong behavior?
2. Punctuate the following sentence so that it has three different meanings
This apple tastes different
3. When people talk about the intensifying Palestinian Israeli conflict, they are always worried. They can't help sighing: "this is the same root / mutual frying. Why is it too urgent?"
Please punctuate these two sentences to see how many different punctuations are suitable
Punctuation: (1)________ (2)_________ (3)_________
4. Please choose first, then punctuate the following sentences and explain the meaning of punctuation
() "please cheer for yourself □"
A. The pessimist says:
Option: () punctuation: □
Meaning of expression:______________________________________

1. (1) you are not angry at this kind of wrong behavior. Answer: point out the fact that the other party is not angry. (2) you are not angry at this kind of wrong behavior? Answer: rhetorical question, which means that the other party will be angry. 2. This apple is not delicious. This apple is not delicious

Finding the monotone interval of F (x) = e ^ (x) - AX-2

1) If a ≤ 0
F (x) increases monotonically on R
So the monotone interval is r
2) If a > 0
Let f '(x) = 0
F (x) is reduced on (- ∞, LNA];
Monotonically increasing on (LNA, + ∞)
If you still have doubts, please ask

About factorization!
X ^ 2-y ^ 2 + 2x + 1 due tomorrow morning!


If the coordinates of the three vertices of the triangle ABC are a (2,3) B (4, - 3), C (- 2, - 3), calculate the area

The two points of BC are parallel to the X axis, so that BC is the bottom edge
The height is 3 + 3 = 6
The area is 6 * 6 / 2 = 18

How does 5x-4 equal 3x 2


Why is B equal to 0 on the Y axis

Let the parabola y = ax & # 178; + BX + C be known according to the vertex coordinates [- B / 2a, (4ac-b & # 178;) / 4A], and the vertex is on the y-axis, then the abscissa of the fixed point is 0  - B / 2A = 0 and ? a ≠ 0 -------- because if a wants to be equal to 0, the analytic formula will become a linear equation, and the denominator of the vertex coordinate formula is not 0 ? B = 0

An applied problem of an encounter problem
A and B start from a 'and B at the same time. After meeting each other for several hours, they continue to move at the same speed. After another five hours, B arrives at a, and a reaches 45 kilometers over B. It just accounts for 25% of the whole journey. How many kilometers does a travel per hour?

In the whole course, 45 △ 25% = 180 km, a walked 180 + 45 = 225 km, B walked 180 km, the speed ratio of a and B was 5:4, and the distance between the meeting point and a was x, so x: [(180-x) + 45] = 4:5, x = 100, a's speed was (80 + 45) / 5 = 25 km / h

The distance from point m to point F (4,0) is less than 2. Find the locus of point M

The distance from point m to point F (4,0) is less than 2, and the distance from point m to line x = - 4 is equal to the distance from point F (4,0). According to the definition of parabola, the trajectory of point m is a parabola with point (4,0) as the focus and line x = - 4 as the guide line