Who are the authors, the editions and the publishers of the books in China

Who are the authors, the editions and the publishers of the books in China

Five thousand years
Editor: Lin Handa
Publication date: May 2002
Publishing House: Children's Publishing House
Five thousand years of China
Author: Wu Sulin
Press: Central University for Nationalities
Publication date: 2008-01-01

What is a book devoted to Korean history

Record of Li Dynasty
Jingguo grand ceremony

In the romance of the Three Kingdoms, the embodiment of a wise man is a military adviser (), who knows three thirds of the world before he leaves the cottage,
The book narrates many well-known deeds about him, such as (), (), (), (), etc

Zhuge Liang burns the grass boat in Chibi with fire, borrows the arrow, borrows the east wind and three Qi, Zhou Yu... Enough seems to be enough

If | A-1 | + (B + 2) is quadratic = 0, find the value of (a + b) to the power of 208 + A to the power of 2010

So (a + b) ^ 2008 + A ^ (2010)

I bought a desk lamp. The lamp mouth is marked with 250V, and the bulb is marked with 230V and 40W. Can it be used for a long time under 220V

China's civil voltage is 220 V, there will be no other standards. Table lamp logo is 250 V, which means that the table lamp can meet the maximum voltage of 250 V withstand voltage requirements, which does not meet the national standard requirements of 500 V withstand voltage requirements
The 230V of the bulb mark also means that the bulb can operate normally at the maximum voltage of 230V, not that the bulb must be at 230V, and the rated voltage of the bulb must be 220V, which is compulsory in the national standard;
This bulb is a normal 220 V bulb without any difference

Problems 16.2 and 16.2 in the second volume of the eighth grade of mathematics published by people's Education Press
Don't suggest programs or anything

Do you think it's that book

There is a power supply with voltage of 220 V to a 220 V 60 W light bulb in a distant construction site. Due to the resistance of the wire, the actual power consumed by the light bulb is 55 W, so the power consumed by the wire is 50 W
Due to the resistance of the wire, the actual power consumed by the bulb is 55W, so the electric power consumed by the wire is 55W
Less than 5W

P total = u ^ 2 / R total
Because of the resistance of the wire, r always increases
P total '

In the quadrilateral ABCD, angle a + angle c = angle B + angle D, an outer angle of angle a is 105 degrees, and the degree of angle c is calculated
The more detailed the better, urgent!

Because angle a + angle c + angle B + angle d = 360, angle a + angle c = angle B + angle D,
So: angle a + angle c = 180
Because one of the outer angles of angle a is 105 degrees, angle a = 75
So angle c = 105

The open circuit voltage U and short circuit current I of two port network are measured. What are the application conditions of the method of calculating RI by RI = u / I

In theory, it doesn't need any use conditions,
However, attention should be paid to the short-circuit current

1. Boron and a nonmetallic element a form compound Bax. It is known that the sum of the total number of electrons outside the nucleus of each atom in Bax molecule is 24, and the sum of the number of electrons outside the nucleus is 32, then the element symbol of a is? X equal to? X?
2. There are five elements V, W, x, y and Z, and their nuclear charge numbers increase in turn, and are all less than 20. Among them, X and Z are metal elements, the outermost layer of V and Z atoms has only one electron, the outermost layer of W and Y atoms has the same number of electrons, the number of electrons in L layer of W atom is three times that of k layer, and the outermost layer of X atom is half that of Y atom, V is? W is? X is? Y is? Z is?

Because there are three electrons in the outermost layer of boron and the maximum coordination number is 4, it is judged that a is a halogen element. According to the total number of electrons is 32, it is concluded that a is a fluorine element
The sign of a is f, x = 3
If there are six electrons in the L layer of element W, then w is oxygen; if the number of the outermost electrons of the atoms of element W and Y is the same, then y is sulfur; if the number of the outermost electrons of element X is half of that of element Y, it can be seen that x is a boron group element, and according to the arrangement of X between oxygen and sulfur, X is aluminum; Z has only one electron in the outermost layer, and the atomic number is larger than sulfur, So Z is potassium; the outermost layer of V has only one electron, and according to the title, it should be nonmetal, so V is hydrogen
V hydrogen
W oxygen
X aluminum
Y sulfur
Z potassium