3060 cm3=______ Decimeter 3=______ It's a liter

3060 cm3=______ Decimeter 3=______ It's a liter

3060 cm3 = 3.06 decimeter 3 = 3.06 liter

An automobile transportation company plans to ship two kinds of vegetables (A and b) to other places for sale (each vehicle is fully loaded, and only one kind of vegetable can be loaded)
It is known that one car can grow 1 ton of vegetables, or can hold 1.5 tons of vegetables. If eight cars carry 11 tons of two vegetables to a for sale, how about the distribution of cars carrying a and B vegetables? How many of them each

Set X tons of vegetable a and Y tons of vegetable B
There are 2 tons of A-type vegetables, 9 tons of B-type vegetables, 2 vehicles carrying B-type vegetables and 6 vehicles carrying B-type vegetables

How many tons is a stone

It depends on the material of the stone. It's hard to say that some stones are light and some are heavy. Generally, they are 1500kg / m3. In our construction site, the stones are heavy, reaching 1500-1600kg / m3, and some are 1700kg / m3

How to solve (1 + 0.2) x + (50-x) * (1-0.25) = 51
0.2 is a fifth, 0.25 is a quarter


A 343cm cube block was sawed into eight small cubes of the same size, and the surface area of each small cube block was calculated

The volume of each small block is 343 / 8 cubic centimeter
The edge length of the small block is 7 / 2 cm
The surface area of small cube wood block is 6 * 7 / 2 * 7 / 2 = 147 / 2 square centimeter

What is 60 ° 28 '/ 3

28' = 9' × 3 + 1'
1' = 60"
60°28' ÷ 3 = 20°9'20"

I. solving the equation
3. 9-11y = 10Y minus seven and a third
Give me a problem-solving process, if you have time, you can talk about ideas, and you don't have to talk about ideas, but the process must be!

1.1 - (4-3x) = 9 2.5 (x-1) - 7 (x + 5) = 11 (x + 1) 3.9-11y = 10Y - seven and one-third 1-4 + 3x = 9 5x-5-7x-35 = 11x + 11 9-11y-10y = negative seven and one-third 3x = 12 - 13X = 51 - 21y = negative 16 and one-third x = 4 x = negative 13 / 51 y = seven ninths 4.2 (X-2) - 3 (4x

Given that the opposite number of a is 1 and 3 / 2, and the opposite number of B is - 2 and 1 / 2, find the value of the algebraic formula a-2b, a = 3B

Definition * is a new operation on rational numbers a and B, a * b = 2Ab + 2008, try to calculate the value of 2 * 3 * 4


There are 1800 fruit trees in the orchard. The pear tree is twice as much as the apple tree, and the apple tree is three times as much as the peach tree

Step one:
Suppose: there are x apple trees
Answer: there are 540 apple trees
Step 2: 540 * 2 = 1080 (trees)
A: there are 1080 pear trees
This is the method of setting X. I don't know if you have learned it,