What is the meaning of the center of gravity in mathematics?

What is the meaning of the center of gravity in mathematics?

The center of gravity is the point through which the resultant force of gravity of all the constituent particles passes when the object is in any direction in the gravity field. The center of gravity of a regular and uniform density object is its geometric center. The center of gravity of an object is not necessarily on the object. In addition, the center of gravity can refer to the center or main part of an event

What are the concepts of outer center, inner center, perpendicular center and center of gravity in geometry?

The theorem of the center of gravity of a triangle with five centers: the three central lines of a triangle intersect at a point, and the distance from this point to the vertex is twice the distance from it to the midpoint of the opposite side. This point is called the center of gravity of a triangle. The outer center theorem: the vertical bisectors of the three sides of a triangle intersect at a point. This point is called the outer center of a triangle

If the equation 3x (x-1) = 2 (X-2) - 4 is changed into a general form, the coefficients of quadratic term, the coefficients of primary term and the constant term are
A:3,-5,8 B:-3,-5,8 C:-5,3,-8 D:8,-5,3

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Excuse me: the land area and population of Germany, Britain, France and Japan
Can we sort out the population density?

Japan: an area of 377900 square kilometers (60th in the world). Population: 127.77 million
Germany: population: more than 80 million Geography: an area of about 350000 square kilometers
Britain: Britain has a population of 58.5 million and a land area of 245000 square kilometers
France: 547000 km2, population 60.88 million

Physical quantity is defined as the quantity in physics that measures the properties of an object or describes the motion state and change process of an object?

Physics is an experimental science, and its values and units are quantitative relations concluded through measurement. Therefore, the "quantity" in physical quantities actually includes the values and units of measurement (measurement) as well as several quantitative relations. For example, displacement and time can be directly measured, while velocity and acceleration are expressed through displacement and time, that is, displacement, time, velocity, Acceleration is a physical quantity used to describe the motion of an object

If there are four Sundays in October, what day is October 31?

Monday, Tuesday

New year's mathematics diary 300 words

One day, I was interested in the community on a whim. There are four problems bothering me. How big is the community? How many households are there in a building? How many households are there in total? How much land is occupied in addition to the building? In order to solve the problem, I carried out investigation and measurement, and found that the community is 200 meters long from north to south, 80 meters wide from east to west, 200 * 80 = 16000 (meters)

1001 × 5 and 13 / 3 + 198 △ 198 and 199 / 198 + 1 and 200 / 1

1001 × 5 and 13 / 3 + 198 △ 198 and 199 / 198 + 1 and 200 / 1
=1001 × 68 / 13 + 1 △ 1 and 1 / 199 + 1 and 1 / 200
=5236 + 199 / 200 + 1 and 1 / 200

The price of a table is 150, which is 1.2 times 600. How about 1.2 times 700? How much is it?
How to calculate 1.5 meters by 800? Is there any formula?

two hundred
How much is a square meter
For example, if the unit price of 1.2 times 600 is 600, then the unit price per square meter is 15 / 72 yuan, and 700 times 700 is 700 square meters. Similarly, 800 is the same
Attention. It says 1.2 times how much is just a specification, just to confuse you

If you want to find a similar question, the answer is 74.521
Think about a number you like, add 52. Multiply by 5, subtract 3.9343, then divide by 0, and finally subtract ten times the number you think about Such a question! The answer is 74.521~

The imaginary number is X
five hundred and twenty point one three one four
The result is 74.521
Just change "minus 3.9343" to "minus 226.7395"
The truth is:
Formula: 2 * [5 (x + 52.8) - 226.7395] - 10x
After simplification, it is 74.521
So it becomes a very interesting math game
"Think of a number you like, add 52.8, multiply by 5, subtract 226.7395, then divide by 0.5, and finally subtract ten times the number you think. No matter what number you think, I can know what your final result is, believe it or not? It's 74.521?"