The story of the composition hidden in the text

The story of the composition hidden in the text

In addition to the interesting texts and wonderful pictures, we can also see the stories hidden in Chinese books. Some of them are hidden in idioms, such as the stories of "Li Xue Qiu Dao" and "Ye Gong Hao long"; some of them are hidden in texts, such as the background story of "Wen Guan Jun Shou He Nan and Hebei", which takes place in "Lin

Primary school grade 6 Chinese unit 4 exercise paper cutting composition the third picture of the article

Paper cutting is one of the treasures of folk culture and art in China. These colorful, vivid and different styles of paper-cut are deeply loved by me. Behind every vivid paper-cut, there is a mysterious and wonderful story. Today, I saw a beautiful paper-cut, It looks like this: a young girl in a colorful skirt with three carved ceramic bowls on her head, dancing happily in the vibrant wheat field, as if it were a big happy event. I stare at this beautiful paper-cut, and I can't help but swing my white wings and fly to the kingdom of imagination
In a remote village, there are a group of poor villagers. Himalayan girl is one of them. People in the village like her very much because she is a good girl with integrity, beauty, kindness and noble character
In fact, this village was not poor before, but a rich and civilized place. But in the midsummer of five years ago, it suddenly snowed very fast. Only five seconds later, the whole village was covered. The next morning, the snow slowly melted, but people were surprised to find that, The brick houses they built brick by brick turned into dirty thatched cottages. When they went to farm, the seeds rotted as soon as they were sown in the soil. The Himalayan girl knew that all this was done by snow ghosts
After five years, she finally found Xuegui and asked him to change the village back to its original shape. Because Xuegui wanted to take the Himalayan girl as her own, she replied, "of course, but I have a request that you must marry me. If you get three bowls of holy water and change the village back to its original shape, but you don't come back to me within 50 minutes, Then you will die in the same place and become a snow mountain. Hahaha... "The Himalayan girl glared at the grinning snow ghost and turned to take the holy water away
She ran to the highest hillside of the village and carefully sprinkled the holy water on every corner of the village. In an instant, the village was restored to its original appearance. The Himalayan girl was so excited that she piled up three holy bowls and put them on her hat. She twisted her waist and danced happily. Dancing, dancing, she forgot the time. Fifty minutes later, she was like a flower withering, Suddenly fell to the ground, slowly, she became a towering, towering snow mountain
She is the highest Himalaya in the world, because the noble character of the Himalayan girl who sacrifice herself for others has moved the God of heaven and earth. Heaven has given her higher than heaven; earth has given her higher than Earth, so there is no mountain higher than her sacred height!

Urgent "Mom, I love you" composition 500 words (Jiangsu version of Chinese sixth grade exercise 2). On October 6 to October 7. Fast····

Today, teacher Zhuang gave us a special assignment: say "I love you" to mom or dad
When I got home and finished my homework, I kept thinking in my room: do I say it or not? Just when I was hesitant, the past came back to me
There was a storm that afternoon. After school, because I didn't bring an umbrella, my mother was sick at home and couldn't come to pick me up. I had to take shelter from the rain at the school gate and wait for the rain to drop a little before I went home. But after waiting for more than ten minutes, the rain was not small, but it was getting heavier and heavier, Ah! Isn't that my mother? My mother came to me and stroked my head. "Yueyue, is it OK? Is it frozen?" tears moistened my eyes. My mother was sick and braved the wind and rain to send me an umbrella. She didn't care about my illness, but she asked me about it. I threw myself into my mother's arms: mother, my good mother!
Thinking of my mother's meticulous care, I finally made up my mind to say "I love you" to my mother
The doorbell rang. It must be my mother. Why don't I take the opportunity to say it? So I went to open the door for my mother. When my mother saw me, she said with a smile, "Yueyue, you're back! Have you finished your homework?"
I said, "well, it's done."
"Then I'll go cook." my mother patted me on the shoulder happily
"Mom, I have something to say to you," I said hastily when I saw that mom was leaving
"Say it."
"Oh, mom, I I I want to say to you, I That Well, I'd like to eat beef today. "I hesitated for a long time, but squeezed a few words out of my mouth
"If you want to eat, just tell me what to do. I'll do it."
I ran back to my room and slammed the door. I blamed myself: ah, why can't I say it all the time? That's to say "I love you"? How can I feel so hard? No, if I don't say it, I won't have a chance. I looked out from the crack of the door. My mother was cooking, so I said it at this time. I slipped up to my mother like a thief, When my mother saw me coming, she asked, "what's the matter?" I lowered my head and blushed and said, "Mom, I I love you. "My mother touched my forehead and said," are you ok? Do you have a fever? "" no, mom, I love you. It's true. "I summoned up the courage to say it again. I just felt my heart thumping, as if it was almost out of my chest. I saw my mother's face was filled with happiness, and my mother hugged me tightly, Tears of excitement filled my eyes. "My daughter has grown up and is sensible. My mother is so happy!"
When I had dinner, my mother always kept putting vegetables for me to eat. Half way through the meal, my mother suddenly asked me, "how do you remember to talk about this?" I said, "it's the homework assigned by the teacher." "Oh, so it is." obviously, my mother was a little disappointed. I quickly said, "Mom, come on, it's natural for children to love their parents, and it's natural for them to express their love, Even if the teacher didn't assign this assignment, I think I would have said that. "" really? "" well, "Mom hugged me again
At night, my mother tossed and turned, excited hard to sleep, but I fell asleep early

Jiangsu Education Press sixth grade volume II Chinese exercise 2 (composition) 500 words
Is the teacher is not present, you and classmates interesting!

Our school has a convention, every Monday afternoon before school, the teacher has to go to the meeting room for a meeting. At this moment, it is the happiest moment for the students. Because the teacher is not present, the students can be free. My class is smart and lively, and some students are very naughty. So as long as the teacher is not present, they begin to "big

1.18,27,43,68,104,) 2.13,3,36,-27,) 3.2/3,5/7,),17/19,23/29
There's another one. - 2, 11, 24, 67,), 219

1.153: the first one plus the square of 3, the second one plus the square of 4, and so on!
Prime numbers within 3.11/13,30
4.122. - 2 = 1 cube-3, 11 = 2 cube + 3, 24 = 3 cube-3, 67 = 4 cube + 3122 = 5 cube-3219 is 6 cube + 3
Manual answer, please add points!

What is the integral formula of exponential function?
Let's take e as an example,) ∫ e ^ xdx, the x power of E, what is the integral formula of this integral? If it's a negative x power, the range of X is expressed by "integral on line" and "integral off line"!

This can be written directly in the formula, which is equal to the x power of E. because the derivative of the x power of E is equal to itself. If it is a negative x power, it's also simple. Just round up the differential. It's equal to the negative x power of negative E

7 out of 25 multiplied by 8 out of 11 plus 7 out of 25 divided by 11 out of 3 is a simple calculation

7 out of 25 multiplied by 8 out of 11 plus 7 out of 25 divided by 11 out of 3
=7 out of 25 times 8 out of 11 plus 7 out of 25 times 3 out of 11
=7 out of 25 times (8 out of 11 plus 3 out of 11)
=7 out of 25 times 1
=7 out of 25

Given that X and y are two real roots of the equation Z & # 178; + 3Z + 1 = 0, then x & # 178; + 8y + 20 =?

We know that x, y are two real roots of the equation Z & # 178; + 3Z + 1 = 0, Z1 = (- 3 + √ 3 ^ 2-4) / 2 = (- 3 + √ 5) / 2 or Z2 = (- 3 - √ 3 ^ 2-4) / 2 = (- 3 - √ 5) / 2 (1) when x = (- 3 + √ 5) / 2 y = (- 3 - √ 5) / 2, then x & # 178; + 8y + 20 = (- 3 + √ 5) / 2) ^ 2 + 8 * (- 3 - √ 5) / 2 + 20 = (9-6 √ 5 + 5) / 4 + 4 * (- 3 - √ 5) + 2

There are 11 liters of pure alcohol in container a and 15 liters of water in container B. for the first time, pour part of pure alcohol in container a into container B to mix alcohol with water. For the second time, pour part of mixed liquid in container B into container A. in this way, the pure alcohol content in container a is 62.5%, and the alcohol content in container B is 25%. How many liters of mixed liquid are poured into container a from container B for the second time ?

For container B: because the alcohol: mixture = 25%, so the alcohol: water = 25%: (1-25%) = 1:3, that is, the poured alcohol is 15 △ 3 = 5 (L). For container a: the remaining alcohol is 11-5 = 6 (L). After setting, pour x L from container B, then (6 + 25% x) △ 6 + x) = 62.5%, the solution is x = 6. A: pour 6 L of mixture from container B for the second time

The general square of C / A-B, 1 / (B-A)

So the simplest common denominator is (a-b) &;