"Beauty in my eyes" composition 600 words The content should be specific, not general

"Beauty in my eyes" composition 600 words The content should be specific, not general

Beauty is an exciting topic. Everyone can interpret and define beauty from different angles. In ancient Tang Dynasty, people regarded plumpness as beauty, and Yang Yuhuan was the only one who got the envious eyes of many people. Ancient Greeks advocated the harmony created by 0.618, and they firmly believed that there was only harmonious East

Because_____ More than 600 words

The night is getting deeper and deeper, and my heart is getting heavier and heavier. "Ding Dong" my heart seems to be pulled up. It's my father who comes back. He walks in with a tiger face and sits on the sofa quietly. Timidly, I lower my head, stand in front of my father and say softly: "Dad, you're back!" my father slightly raises his head and glares at me, Harshly said, "do you know your study condition?" I nodded. Then he severely criticized me. I don't know when, my forehead was full of sweat. Why did my academic performance regress so much recently? I couldn't help thinking. Recalling my study condition in this period, I was complacent because I had a little achievement in the previous period, My father advised me to study hard many times, but although I promised on the surface, I still went my own way. Usually I didn't review my lessons seriously, and I was a bit careless. On weekends, I didn't listen to music, or I went out to play, and I often slept in. My grades plummeted. Thinking of these, I couldn't help but shed tears of remorse, My father took a small stool and asked me to sit in front of him. He stroked my head and said to me earnestly, "child, every effort is worth every harvest. Any achievement comes from diligence and hard work. Don't be careless in your study. Don't let your teachers and parents down on your hope."
The silver moonlight splashed on the head of the bed, and I lay quietly on the bed. As time went by, I couldn't sleep for a long time. My heart was hard to calm down for a long time: Dad was right, I must put down my burden, start from scratch, rise up to catch up, and prepare for tomorrow's sun!

Two cars drive from two places 135 kilometers apart at the same time and meet in 1.5 hours. It is known that the speed ratio of a and B is 8:7. What is the speed of B?

Speed sum: 135 △ 1.5 = 90 (km / h ·)
A's speed: 90x8 / (8 + 7) = 48 (km / h)
Speed of B: 90-48 = 42 (km / h)
Or let B's speed be 7x and a's speed be 8x
7x = 7 * 6 = 42 (km / h)
A: B's speed is 42 km / h

The decimal point of a number is like moving two places to the right. The number obtained is 118.8 larger than the original number. What is the original number

A number multiplied by 100 and subtracted from the original number is 118.8
The solution is 118.8/99 = 1.2
Let the original number be X
A: the original number is 1.2

There are 330 km between AB and B. the distance between the two cars is 30 km in 4 hours. Car a travels 40 km per hour. How many km does car B travel? When meeting, car a travels more than car B


It is known that for the X equation Tan square x-tanx-a + 1 = 0. X ∈ [- π / 4, π / 4,]. If the equation has a real number solution, the value of a can be obtained

Tan & # 178; x-tanx-a + 1 = 0 has real number solution
Then 1-4 (- A + 1) = 4a-3 ≥ 0
So, a ≥ 3 / 4

A car is 360 kilometers away from B. it travels 45 kilometers per hour from a to B. when it arrives at B, it takes a car
A is 360 kilometers away from B. a car travels 45 kilometers per hour from a to B. after arriving at B, it returns to a at the speed of 60 kilometers per hour?

360 / 45 = 8 hours to go out
360 / 60 = 6 (hours) to get back time
360 / (8 + 6) = average speed

2n of reductive a
The 2n + 1 power of a - the N + 2 power of a - the square of a - the n power of B

=A & # 178; (power n of a-1-power n of B) / a (power 2n of A-B & # 178;)
=A (power n of a-1-power n of B) / (power 2n of A-B & #)
=(n + 1 power of a - n power of a-Ab) / (2n power of a - B & #)

Party A and Party B travel from a and B at the same time. Party A travels 12 kilometers per hour and Party B travels 10 kilometers per hour. They meet at a distance of 3 kilometers from the midpoint. How far is the distance between a and B

The speed ratio is 12:10 = 6:5
When they meet, a travels 6 kilometers more than B
The whole course is 6 ÷ (6-5) × (6 + 5) = 66 (km)
When they meet, a travels 6 kilometers more than B
Encounter time 6 ÷ (12-10) = 3 (hours)
Whole journey (12 + 10) × 3 = 66 (km)

How many square meters is 2.7 meters multiplied by 1.7 meters
