Who has the composition of natural landscape 300 words

Who has the composition of natural landscape 300 words

The clouds in the evening are so beautiful. It's getting late, but I haven't come home yet, because I'm attracted by the clouds outside. What a beautiful natural scenery it is, just like the gift of nature. Gradually, the sky is dyed blood red by the setting sun, and the peach red clouds are reflected on the river, and the whole river looks brand new, At this moment, the sky is like a raging fire. Look, the white and yellow clouds, one by one, are woven into a golden red down jacket for the setting sun. Soon, it turns red again, making the sun look like a princess. Overlooking the river, the setting sun shines on the water like a beam of golden laser, like countless fish jumping, The sun converges its dazzling light and turns into a golden ball. The clouds around it are more colorful. Sometimes it looks like a dog, sometimes it looks like a bird, sometimes it looks like a peach blossom The towering hills in the distance seem to be coated with a layer of gold powder in the setting sun. After a while, the weak light of the setting sun gives the earth a cicada like luster. The clouds are covered with gold. The clouds walk slowly like a girl, and gradually approach the river. There are several white silk like clouds in the sky, just like bright and eye-catching satin, The sky is decorated with red and blue. Thinking about it, the sun glides down again and gets more and more red as it gets closer to the river. Slowly, the sun turns red with a smile, just like the shy red cloud on a little girl's face. The sun kisses the head of the river and emits red light to the earth and the sky. The sun lends the red light to the Pearl River, After the sun showed her beauty, she disappeared on the river and returned to her mother. What a beautiful natural landscape

A 300 word composition on natural landscape

Mirage once upon a time, there was a camel team hesitating in the smoky desert. There was a very beautiful natural landscape in the hot and dry days, which was Qiandao Lake. It was in a place on the outskirts of Hangzhou

Natural landscape composition 200-300 words

Once upon a time, there was a camel team hesitating in the burning desert. The hot and dry weather made the travelers tired. The water in the bag had been drunk, and their lips were dry and cracked. How they wanted to drink a mouthful of cool water! Suddenly, in the distant desert of qianfang, there appeared a lake, with palaces and temples towering on both sides of the lake, It brought them great hope and cool premonition. So they ran forward quickly. They passed one sand dune after another, but the lakes, palaces and temples were still far away, dim, bright and flickering. After a while, suddenly the lakes, palaces and temples disappeared without a trace
In the calm and calm sea, river, lake, snow, desert or Gobi, mirage occasionally appears in the air or "underground". We call this phenomenon mirage. This kind of mirage often appears on the sea surface of Penglai, Shandong Province in China. In ancient Chinese legend, mirage is considered to belong to the dragon, which can exhale air to form a building outline, Shen Kuo of Song Dynasty wrote in MengXiBiTan: "there are clouds in the sea of Dengzhou. They are the palace, the platform, the battlements, the chariots and horses. You can see them from the past."
In the hot summer, sometimes you can see the reflection of houses and trees on the asphalt road. This is also a mirage phenomenon in essence
Then, how did the mirage in nature come into being?
Mirage is a kind of abnormal refraction phenomenon. It is the result of refraction of light propagating in the atmosphere with different vertical density. It can be divided into top, bottom and side mirages
The mirage is usually seen on the sea and in places with ice and snow in the north. This is because the evaporation of the sea surface consumes heat, and the temperature of the sea rises slowly, In the areas covered with ice and snow, because the ice and snow surface can reflect most of the sunlight and consume a lot of heat when the ice and snow melts, the temperature of the lower layer becomes very low, so the strong inversion phenomenon is most likely to occur in these areas, When light propagates in the air layer where the air temperature increases with the height and the air density decreases sharply with the height, it will bend downward. When the light of buildings on the distant horizon refracts into the eyes of the observer, there will be a mirage
In a clear, cloudless, calm and windless weather, the sun shines on the dry sand soil, the specific heat of the sand soil is small, the soil temperature rises very fast, there is almost no water evaporation, and the heat transfer of soil molecules is very slow, The heat is concentrated on the surface layer, so the temperature of the air near the soil layer also increases rapidly, but the upper air is still very cool. When the near layer is a strong cooling layer, the air temperature decreases rapidly with the height, and the air density increases rapidly with the height. When the light propagates in the air layer where the temperature decreases with the height, it will bend upward, and the light of the scenery at the distant horizon will not change, After refraction straight into the eyes of the observer, there is a mirage

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So x1x2 = 1 / 6, why not X1 + x2 = - (LG2 + Lg3) but lgx1 + lgx2 = - (LG2 + Lg3)

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So the equation T1 + T2 = - (LG2 + Lg3), that is, lgx1 + lgx2 = - (LG2 + Lg3)

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