People's education press primary school Chinese Grade 6 Volume 3 composition 300 words original bonus

People's education press primary school Chinese Grade 6 Volume 3 composition 300 words original bonus

I will never forget that love
"Only a mother is good in the world. A child with a mother is like a treasure..." This nursery rhyme has spread all over China, and the meticulous maternal love has entered thousands of families
Under the cultivation of the spring breeze, the grass grows tender buds, and uses its own green new clothes to dress up the earth, which is to thank the nature; under the care of her mother, her children are stronger and wiser day by day. They repay their mother with their excellent academic achievements
It was a noon on Tuesday, and I was studying. Who knows, when the school was coming, in the clear sky, suddenly, the wind was howling and the clouds were thick. With the sound of "boom", it began to rain cats and dogs. "Ding Lingling" had finished class. What should I do with the heavy rain? Then I saw a familiar figure in the misty rain. When she came to me, I saw her face full of rain, oh, that's my dear mother! On the road, the wind was blowing, and the rain was pouring down. Sometimes, the wind blew back our mother and son, and the rain mercilessly wet our clothes. But my mother held me tightly in her arms with her weak body, My mother said to me in a weak voice, "don't be afraid! There's my mother here!" the words encouraged me to go on, and the wind and rain seemed to be more fierce. At this time, my mother took off her coat and put it on me, and asked me, "isn't it cold like this?" I shook my head and my nose was sour, Tears almost fell down. My mother then said, "hold on for a while, and I'll be home soon!" she finally got home, but she didn't care about herself, so she took a towel to wipe me, and made a cup of "Banlangen Granule" for me to drink. At this time, I finally couldn't help it. I threw myself into my mother's arms and cried, "Mom! You're so nice to me!" my mother didn't say anything, Just stroking my head and looking at me with a smile. Afterwards, my mother got a bad cold, but I didn't have anything. This is all because of my mother's "salvation". Some people say that mother's love is selfless; others say that mother's love is great; I say that mother's love is the most beautiful gift from God to each of us

Grade four natural landscape composition 300 words

I know a very beautiful natural landscape, which is Qiandao Lake. Located in the suburb of Hangzhou, it is the largest forest park in China. It has beautiful mountains and rivers, grotesque rocks and grotesque caves. It is known as the "midstream of blue water painting"
The color of the lake gradually becomes strange, not green or blue. The Qiandao Lake lake is vast and boundless. The big island is like a small boat. The scenery is beautiful, like the green foam that has been immersed in the water for a long time. The water is very deep and clear. It looks like it can forget the whole thing in the first place, but in fact it is not expected to be the end. It is estimated that there is also a dozen meters deep.
I also know which islands are Monkey Island, deer island and unmanned island
The male monkey king is highly respected, the female monkey is taught by her husband, and the monkey family is peaceful. They are so warm! The hillside of deer island is gentle, and the trees are verdant. Visitors can amuse the deer, pass the pavilion, and stroll in the forest. The lively and lovely deer come to welcome them immediately. There is no one there, and few people will go there. I really want to see the unmanned island. I think it must be very big and beautiful
This Thousand Island Lake is so beautiful, with mountains, water and animals. It's really a "pearl in the water"!

My country in my heart speech
Writing requirements: first, according to the identity of the listener, write the appropriate address; then write the main content of the speech, pay attention to the combination of specific materials to express the point of view clearly; finally, you can use concise and powerful words to point out the theme, or send a call to the audience!

Today, the topic of my speech is "the motherland is in my heart". Now, with the development of science and technology in China, we all live a happy and well-off life. But do you know that China in the 1950s was a country that was looked down upon by others. It did not have great scientific achievements, and science and technology could not be developed. However, some intellectuals studying abroad returned home, So that China's fate has been a fundamental turning point, it is they, straighten the backbone of China
Deng Jiaxian was one of these overseas students. When he heard about China's scientific and technological situation, he gave up his doctoral degree and decided to return home to contribute his strength to the motherland, because he knew that he was a Chinese child and a descendant of Yanhuang!
He returned to China and participated in the research and development of the atomic bomb. Deng Jiaxian was not afraid of difficulties and often led his staff to work in the front line. He personally went to the Gobi full of sand to take samples, and risked radiation to supervise the production of the atomic bomb. Finally, with the joint efforts of him and everyone, the original bullet test exploded successfully! Then, Deng Jiaxian also successfully developed the hydrogen bomb and Dongfanghong satellite with amazing speed. Grandfather Deng Xiaoping mentioned Deng Jiaxian and said: "the two bombs are his medals, and China is proud of him!"
Among these intellectuals, there are many unknown people who work in the front line, forgetting to eat and sleep. Why do they work so hard?
China has such beautiful rivers and mountains, such a long history, such a splendid culture, they are to prevent the motherland from being insulted and ridiculed by foreigners
Which is not the grand and magnificent palace museum or the Great Wall?
Mount Tai or Mount Huangshan, which is not beautiful and magnificent?
Which is not the pride of our Chinese people, papermaking or gunpowder?
When the bright red five-star red flag rises, we all think of those patriotic intellectuals. It is this sentence that has become their driving force - I am Chinese, I love China!

If the sum of squares of three consecutive positive integers is 29, then the three numbers are


If the vertex coordinates of the parabola are p (1, - 2), then what is the value range of X that the function y decreases with the increase of the independent variable x?

Is the opening direction of the parabola in your graph upward or downward?
If up, the value range of X is x ≤ 1
If up, the value range of X is x ≥ 1

Simple calculation of 45 × 25-42 × 15

45 × 25-2 × 15 = (42 + 3) × 25-42 × 15 = 42 × 25 + 3 × 25-42 × 15 = 42 × 25-42 × 15 + 3 × 25 = 42 × (25-15) + 3 × 25 = 42 × 10 + 3 × 25 = 420 + 75 = 495 or 45 × 25-42 × 15 = 45 × (15 + 10) - 42 × 15 = (45-42) × 15 + 45 × 10 = 3 × 15 + 450 = 45 + 450 = 4

How to deduce the formula of the relationship between the displacement and the velocity of the uniform velocity linear motion?
It is written in the textbook that we can get the relationship between X and V by directly eliminating t from v = VO + at and x = VOT + 1 / 2at2
But I can't get rid of it~

It's easy
Just go in

In the space rectangular coordinate system, the graph of equation z = 1 is?
What graphics?

Plane. A plane parallel to the xoy plane. The distance from the xoy plane is one unit length in the positive direction

Ice turns into water, and the volume will decrease by 1 / 11
When water becomes ice, its volume will decrease by 1 / 11. When water becomes ice, how much will its volume increase?

Ice turns into water, and the volume will decrease by 1 / 11
That is 11 parts for ice and 10 parts for water
On the other hand, when water freezes, it turns out to be 10 phr, and then 11 phr
(11-10) / 10 = 1 / 10 is added

Junior high school physics related to lever and pulley formula
Hope to be more comprehensive!

The formula of leverage is as follows:
Total dynamic moment = total resistance moment
Moment = force * distance from force to fulcrum
There is no formula for pulley, only force analysis
The tension on both sides of the fixed pulley is equal
The pulling force of the moving pulley is half of the weight of the moving pulley
And so on, need specific analysis of specific issues