If the distance between the point of number a and the origin on the number axis is 2, what is the sum of the absolute values of a + negative a?

If the distance between the point of number a and the origin on the number axis is 2, what is the sum of the absolute values of a + negative a?

Because the distance from a to the origin is 2, a has two values, positive 2 and negative 2
Put 2 in your formula and you get 4
Put minus two in your equation and you get zero

There is an operation program, which can make a ⊕ B = n (n is a constant), get (a + 1) ⊕ B = n + 1, a ⊕ (B + 1) = n-2=______ .

The rule is that the former increases by one, the result increases by one, the latter increases by one, and the result decreases by two, then 1 ⊕ 1 = 22008 ⊕ 2008 is 2 plus 2007 1 minus 2007 2, that is 2 + 2007 × 1-2007 × 2 = - 2005

It's about algebra~
A0, and the sum of a and B is expressed as ()
|A + B | = | a | + | B |, there must be ()
(A) A and B have the same number or at least one is 0 (b) a and B have the same number
(C) A = b = 0 (d) a and B are both positive or negative numbers

1.-a b
5.a=0 b=0

a. Both B and C represent rational numbers which are not equal to 0 and satisfy the following conditions: a + | B + | C = - 1, a > b > C
(1) Try to judge the sign of a, B and C
(2) Find the value of | ABC | in the formula ABC

1. The absolute value of a number divided by a number has only two results: 1 or - 1, so if the original formula = - 1, then one of the three numbers must be positive and two negative, and a > b > C, so a > 0, B

Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen. The mass ratio of hydrogen and oxygen is 1:8.100g. How many grams of hydrogen and oxygen are contained in water?

Hydrogen in 100g water: 100g × 1 / 9 = 11.1g
Oxygen in 100g water: 100g-11.1g = 88.9g

Given (a + b) ² = 37, (a-b) ² = 17, find the value of AB and a & #178; + B & #178

How to calculate (59 / 78) / (1 / 77)

=58 (also) 59 / 78

If a six digit 1bcde is set and multiplied by 3, it becomes abcde1. It's really not computable to find this six digit (write detailed equation)

Let five digits be ABCDE = x, then the new number is abcde1 = 10x + 1,
According to the meaning of the title:
Therefore, the six digit number is 142857

2004 times 67 / 2003 is equal to?. 2000 divided by (2000 + 2000 / 2001) is equal to? 7 / 25: 0.88 ratio?

2004 × 67 / 2003 = (2003 + 1) × 67 / 2003 = 67 + 67 / 2003 = 67 and 67 / 20032000 ^ (2000 + 2000 / 2001) = 2000 ^ [(2000 × 2001 + 2000) / 2001] = 2000 ^ [2000 × (2001 + 1) / 2001] = 2000 ^ 2000 × 2002 / 2001 = 2000 × 2001 / 2000 × 2002 = 2001 / 20027 / 2

Given a ^ 2 + B ^ 2 + C ^ 2-ab-6b-6c + + 21 = 0, find the values of a, B and C

Double four on both sides
So 2a-b = B-4 = C-3 = 0