It is known that a and B are rational numbers, and a > 0, B

It is known that a and B are rational numbers, and a > 0, B

Answer: - B > a > - a > B
Method: using the number axis is the most intuitive, a is on the right side of the origin, B is on the left side of the origin, a is closer to the origin, - A and a are symmetrical about the origin, - B and B are symmetrical about the origin, finding out these four points, the size is very direct

Given that a, B and C are non-zero rational numbers, can you find the value of | a | / A + | B | / B + | C | / C

a. All of the positive numbers in B and C are positive numbers, then the positive and two negative ones in B and C are positive and two negative ones in 3A, B and C, and then the positive and two negative ones in B and C, and then the positive and two negative positive and two negative two negative ones in B and C, and so the positive and two positive and one negative two positive and one negative two positive and one negative two positive and one negative two positive and one negative two positive and one negative two positive and one negative two positive and one negative two positive and one negative two positive and one negative two positive and one negative two positive and one negative two positive and one negative two positive and one negative two positive and one negative two positive and one negative two positive and one positive and one negative two positive and one negative two positive and one negative two positive and one negative two positive and one negative two positive and one negative two positive and one negative two negative two positive and one negative two positive one negative in B, then, then the positive and negative two positive and negative two positive and negative two positive and negative two positive and negative two positive and negative two positive and negative two positive and so/ B + | C | / C = - 1-1-1 = - 3

If a and B are rational numbers and a > 0, B


Solving the equation 4x / (5x + 27) = 7 / 11
Help to connect this equation. Thank you

The equation can be converted to:
To get rid of the brackets:

If the square of (x + 1) and the absolute value of Y-5 are opposite to each other, what is the square of X-Y

If a + B = 0
Then a and B become opposite numbers
If the square of (x + 1) and the absolute value of Y-5 are opposite to each other
So x + 1 = 0, Y-5 = 0
x=-1 y=5
The square of X - the square of Y



The second power of (2 / 1A + 2b)=


Space vector proof questions (necessary and sufficient conditions) online and other answers!
Given three points a (x1, Y1, z1) B (X2, Y2, Z2) C (X3, Y3, Z3)
The necessary and sufficient conditions for proving that a, B and C are collinear are x2-x1 = λ (x3-x1), y2-y1 = λ (y3-y1), z2-z1 = λ (z3-z1)

A. There are three collinear points B and C such that ab = λ AC

How to distinguish the interaction of forces and the balance of the two forces
Can we use the same two objects as examples?

Examples of interaction forces:
The man pushed against the wall and was bounced back
At this time, the force that people give to the wall and the force that the wall gives to people are interaction forces
(the stressed object is different)
Two examples of force balance:
There is a book on the desk
At this time, the gravity given by the earth and the supporting force given by the table balance the two forces

Find the unknown x, x = 2x = 12.60.6x + 1.4 = 5

The result is: x-2x = 12.6
The combined result is: - x = 12.6
6X = 5-1.4