Make sentences with dawn, rubble, cellar, stolen goods, gone

Make sentences with dawn, rubble, cellar, stolen goods, gone

At dawn one day, I went to the rubble cellar and found no stolen goods

Use dawn, rubble, cellar, bow and tremble to make sentences with rhetorical devices, such as metaphor and personification. Use the above two words
Use dawn, rubble, cellar, bow and tremble to make a sentence with rhetorical devices, such as metaphor, personification and so on. Use dawn, rubble, cellar, bow and tremble to make a sentence

At dawn, the rubble in the cellar bowed

Chinese in the sixth grade (copy the questions before writing the answers)
1. When the premier saw me, he pointed to a pile of documents one foot high on the desk and said, "I want to cover these documents tonight. I'll put the manuscripts you sent at the end."
Third person reporting sentence

1. When the premier saw me, he pointed to a pile of documents one foot high on the desk and said, "I want to cover these documents tonight. I'll put the manuscripts you sent at the end."
When the premier saw me, he pointed to a pile of documents one foot high on his desk and said that he would approve these documents tonight. He put the manuscripts we sent last

A cylinder is 8 cm high. If the height is reduced by 3 cm, the surface area will be reduced by 75.36 square cm. Find the surface area and volume of the original cylinder (Fig.)

Bottom perimeter = 75.36 △ 3 = 25.12 (CM) bottom radius = 25.12 △ 3.14 △ 2 = 4 (CM) bottom area = 3.14 × 4 & # 178; = 50.24 (square cm) original volume = 50.24 × 8 = 401.92 (cubic cm) side area = 25.12 × 8 = 200.96 (square cm) surface area = 200.96 + 50.24 × 2 = 301.4

How long has the earth lived?

8 billion years

On the calculation of specific heat capacity in the third year of junior high school physics,
1. Put 100g iron on the furnace and heat it for a long time, then take it out, and immediately put 250g water at 20 ℃. Finally, the temperature of water rises to 60 ℃. How to calculate the temperature of the furnace? [C iron = 0.46 × 1000j / (kg ×℃)]
2. When water with a mass of 2kg falls from a height of 30m, if 50% of the mechanical energy is converted into internal energy by gravity and absorbed by water, how much does the temperature rise after the water falls? (g = 10N / kg)
3. A 500g aluminum electric kettle is filled with 2kg water, and the kettle is used to heat the water at 20 ℃ to 100 ℃. If the thermal efficiency of the electric kettle is 80%, how much power is needed to boil the kettle

1. Q = C Fe m (t0-t) = C Fe m (t0-60) 42000 = 460 * 0.1 * (t0-60) t0 = self calculate 2. Gravitational potential energy Q = MGH = 2 * 10 * 30 = 600jq / 2 = CMT 300 = 4200 * 2 * t t = 3 / 8

If the height of a cylinder is increased by 5cm, its surface area will increase by 94.2cm. What is the original volume of the cylinder?

The perimeter of the bottom surface is 94.2 △ 5 = 18.84 (CM)
The radius of the bottom surface is 18.84 / 2 / 3.14 = 3 (CM)
The volume of the original cylinder is 3.14 × 3 & # 178; × 18.84 = 532.4 (cm3)
A: the original volume of this cylinder is 532.4 cubic centimeters

Simple calculation of 12.5 × (0.7 × 0.8)


Reduction of 2cos & sup2; α - 1 / 2tan (π / 4 - α) cos & sup2; (π / 4 - α)

Molecule = 2cos & # 178; α - 1 = Cos2 α
Denominator = 2tan (π / 4 - α) cos & # 178; (π / 4 - α)
=2sin(π/4-α)/cos(π/4-α) *cos²(π/4-α)
So, the original formula is 1

The rectangle is 24 meters long and 13 meters wide. There is a road with a width of 1 meter in the middle to find the area of grassland

The rectangle is 24 meters long and 13 meters wide. There is a road with a width of 1 meter in the middle to find the area of grassland
24 * 13-24 * 1 = 288 square meters